Home A Semi-Automatic Algorithm for Determining the Demyelination Load in Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

A Semi-Automatic Algorithm for Determining the Demyelination Load in Metachromatic Leukodystrophy

Rationale and Objectives

Metachromatic leukodystrophy is a lysosomal storage disorder leading to progressive demyelination of brain white matter. This is sensitively detected using magnetic resonance imaging. The volume of demyelination, the “demyelination load,” could serve as a useful parameter for assessing both the natural course of the disease and treatment effects. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a semiautomated approach for determining the demyelination load to achieve reliable and time-efficient segmentation results.

Materials and Methods

The demyelination load was determined in 77 magnetic resonance imaging data sets from 35 patients both manually and semiautomatically. For manual segmentation, regarded as the gold standard, the software ITK-Snap was used. For semiautomatic segmentation, a new algorithm called Clusterize was developed and implemented in MATLAB, consisting of automatic iterative region growing followed by the interactive selection of clusters. Results were compared in terms of the obtained volumes, spatial overlap, and time taken to conduct the segmentation.


Performance of the semiautomatic algorithm was excellent, with the volumes generated by the new algorithm showing good agreement with the ones generated by the gold standard (93.4 ± 45.5 vs 96.1 ± 49.0 mL, P = NS) with high spatial overlap (Dice’s similarity coefficient = 0.7861 ± 0.0697). The semiautomatic algorithm was significantly faster than the gold standard (8.2 vs 27.0 min, P < .001). Intrarater and interrater reliability determined high reproducibility of the method.


The demyelination load in metachromatic leukodystrophy can be determined in a time-efficient manner using a semiautomatic algorithm, showing high agreement with the current gold standard.

Metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) is a rare inherited lysosomal storage disorder leading to the degradation of the myelin sheath in both the central and peripheral nervous system . Three forms are distinguished: a late infantile (onset before 3 years of age), a juvenile (16 years), and an adult form. Patients develop progressive neurologic symptoms with different rates of disease progression and different initial manifestations . Currently, no curative treatment is available, though promising new therapeutic approaches are under investigation .

The imaging hallmark of this disease is a rapidly progressive leukodystrophy, which can be detected sensitively using magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. Demyelinated white matter (WM) presents as hyperintensities on T2-weighted images. Only recently, Eichler et al developed a score for visually assessing these hyperintensities. This score ranges from 0 to 34 points and has been applied to describe the natural course of the disorder in children . Here, a rater scores a number of predefined brain regions as “normal” (healthy), “faint” (1 point), or “dense hyperintensity” (2 points). Although this allows the assessment of global disease progression in a structured way, it would be beneficial to have a more sensitive and quantitative measure of the affected tissue . This is particularly important when evaluating new therapeutic approaches, for which an objective validation of putative treatment-induced changes is of high relevance.

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Materials and methods

MR Imaging Data

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Manual Segmentation

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Semiautomatic Segmentation

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Automated preprocessing

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Figure 1, Approach of the algorithm. (a-c) The approach of processing an idealized slice dimensioned x × y , with the z axis showing the intensity. The moving grid represents the changing intensity threshold, from high (a) to low (c) . The first core is found in (a) and the second in (b) . (c) The final result, where each voxel above the lower threshold, t L , is assigned to a cluster core. The gray rectangle separates the two clusters (cf Fig 2 ).

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Figure 2, Competing clusters. (a) Two clusters ( yellow and red ). In the next iteration (b) , the threshold is lower, so voxels emerge ( blue ) that must be assigned to either of these two clusters. They are then assigned according to the minimum distance (c) , which causes an implausible result ( red tip at the extension of the yellow cluster ). (d) This is corrected by assigning it to the cluster with which it is connected ( yellow ).

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Figure 3, A cluster matrix is calculated for each slice of a magnetic resonance image, storing different versions of the same cluster (as derived by changing the intensity threshold; cf Fig 1 ), which the user can then interactively choose from. The maximum number of slices in a cluster matrix is 80 (if t L = 20% and intensity step = 1%).

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User interaction

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Figure 4, The upper panel shows a screenshot of the software toolbox in the initial view after calculating the clusters (following removal of cerebrospinal fluid using a T1-weighted image). Clusters are displayed on the left in different colors, while the original T2-weighted image is shown on the right. The lower panel shows the process of selecting and adjusting clusters representing areas of demyelination ( green ). The resulting contours of the selected clusters are updated in real time and are shown on the original T2-weighted image on the right.

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where MAN denotes the voxels segmented manually and SAM the voxels segmented semiautomatically. A DSC of 1 means 100% congruency; no congruency will result in a DSC of 0. There is no common agreement on a minimum value for an acceptable DSC, but coefficients > 0.7 have been considered good or high in previous publications .

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Manual Segmentation

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Figure 5, (a) Intrarater reliability for manual segmentation in a subset of n = 18. Each point represents one magnetic resonance (MR) image in which the demyelination load was determined manually twice by the same rater (P.C.), showing in a Bland-Altman plot the mean volume of the two measures on the x axis and the difference between them on the y axis. (b) Intrarater reliability for semiautomated segmentation in a subset of n = 18 (same images as in [a]). Each point represents one MR image in which the demyelination load was determined semiautomatically twice by the same rater (P.C.). (c) Interrater reliability for manual segmentation in a subset of n = 18 (same images as in [a]). Each point represents one MR image in which the demyelination load was determined manually twice, once by P.C. and once by S.G. (d) Interrater reliability for semiautomated segmentation in a subset of n = 18 (same images as in [a]). Each point represents one MR image in which the demyelination load was determined semiautomatically twice, once by P.C. and once by S.G.

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Semiautomatic Segmentation

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Comparison between Manual and Semiautomatic Segmentation

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Figure 6, Comparison of the output from the semiautomated algorithm to the results from manual segmentation ( n = 77), showing in a Bland-Altman plot the mean volume of the two measures on the x axis and the difference between them on the y axis.

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