Home Comparison of 2D and 3D Views for Evaluation of Flat Lesions in CT Colonography

Comparison of 2D and 3D Views for Evaluation of Flat Lesions in CT Colonography

Rationale and Objectives

Flat lesions in the colon may result in false-negative computed tomography colonography interpretations. It is unknown whether flat lesions are better measured on two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) images and which settings are optimal for enhanced reproducibility and decreased variability. We evaluated these factors to determine whether 2D or 3D is best for flat lesion measurements.

Methods and Materials

Eighty-eight lesions in 66 patients from a previously published clinical trial were analyzed. Lesions were viewed with four methods including 2D at three window/level settings and 3D endoluminal view. Lesions in either supine or prone were counted as one dataset. Long axis and height were measured. Criteria of “height” (≤3 mm high) or “ratio” (height ≤half the long axis) were applied. A subset of lesions was subject to inter- and intra-observer variability analysis.


With the “height” criterion, more datasets were classified as flat in 2D flat ( n = 76), 2D soft tissue ( n = 82), and 3D ( n = 73) views than in the 2D lung ( n = 49) view. If long axis is used as the key metric, endoluminal 3D (12.1%) views significantly showed the least inter-observer variability compared to lung (18.9%) or soft tissue (20.2%) views. Intra-observer variability was low overall for all methods.


When characterizing lesions as flat, a consistent viewing method should be used. To minimize inter-observer variability (such as when following a patient over time), it is best to use the ratio criterion for flat lesion definition incorporating the single longest dimension on 3D views as the key metric.

Flat lesions of the colon are a potentially important source of false negative computed tomography colonography (CTC) interpretations . Several different definitions of flat lesions have been proposed including height <3 mm, a definition recommended in a consensus opinion and a height less than one-half the width (as seen on two-dimensional [2D] views, or long axis as seen on three-dimensional [3D] views). In many CTC investigations and clinical reports, endoscopists and radiologists may classify a lesion as “flat” based on subjective visual impression without defining the term in their methods or without measuring the lesion .

There are no clinical data to indicate whether flat lesions are better measured on 2D views or the 3D endoluminal views. On 2D views, the optimal window and level settings to visualize or to measure a flat lesion have not been determined.

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Materials and methods

Study Population

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Lesion Assessment

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Figure 1, Conspicuity scale demonstrating eight different lesions in the four views. The top row is two dimensional in lung (W = 1500, L = -200) and in three-dimensional in the bottom row. In each case, the same scale applies as follows: 0 = lesion was not visible at all and could not be measured; 1 = lesion was barely visible and it was hard to visualize its borders; 2 = lesion was somewhat visible and paging through the slices on computed tomography or rotating the viewing angle may have helped in visualizing the lesions' borders, especially if the lesion was located on a fold; 3 = lesion was relatively visible, but had a few minor limitations; 4 = lesion was highly visible with very discrete borders.

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Lesion Conspicuity and Measurement

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Statistical Experimental Design

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Intra-observer Variability

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Inter-observer Variability

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Figure 2, Flow chart of lesion analysis. Of the 88 lesions in 36 patients that met one of the two criteria for flat lesions in at least one viewing methods, 65 were adenomas, 19 were hyperplastic polyps, 3 were other histology, and 1 was normal mucosa.

Table 1

OC, Long Axis, and Height Measurements in the Two-dimensional Lung View Comparing 68 Adenomas (121 Datasets) versus 26 Non-adenomas (39 Datasets)

Adenoma ( n = 68) Non-adenoma ( n = 26) Mean (mm) Standard Deviation Mean (mm) Standard Deviation OC 8.83 3.08 7.48 1.78 Long axis 9.09 2.93 8.26 2.46 Height 3.81 1.32 3.28 0.65

OC, optical colonoscopy; CTC, computed tomography colonography.

One dataset was not visualized in the two-dimensional lung view. Ninety-four lesions (161 datasets) in 73 patients seen on CTC had flat or sessile type morphologies that were measured to determine if they fit a proposed flat lesion definition. Non-adenomas included those classified as normal, hyperplastic, or other. A lesion in either supine or prone view is counted as one dataset. OC measurements ranged from 6–18 mm in size.

Figure 3, Illustrations of the measurements of height and long axis of the lesions. The first row shows three flat lesions in two-dimensional lung tissue, soft tissue, and flat views measured on an axial plane (from left to right). The second row shows flat lesions in the three-dimensional (3D) endoluminal view. After optimizing the magnification and cutting plane, manual rotation of the 3D image was used to determine the proper perspective to measure maximal height. In difficult cases, trial and error was used to find the maximal height.

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Table 2

The Number of Datasets that Fit Two Different Definitions of a Flat Lesion

2D Lung 2D Soft Tissue 2D Flat 3D_n_ = 141n = 134n = 135n = 141 Fits less than or equal to 3 mm height definition (% of total) 49 (34.8%) 82 (61.2%) 76 (56.3%) 73 (51.8%) Fits height less than half the longest axis definition (% of total) 116 (82.3%) 110 (82.1%) 121 (89.6%) 119 (84.4%)

2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional.

Seven and six datasets could not be visualized in the 2D soft tissue and flat views, respectively.

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Comparison of Viewing Methods

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Figure 4, Inter-observer long axis and height measurement average % differences versus view. In the long axis measurement, a post-hoc two-tailed t -test showed a statistically significant difference between the 3D endoluminal view (12%) compared to the 2D lung (19%; P = .016) or to 2D soft tissue (20%; P = .0099) viewing methods.

Table 3

Statistical Analysis of Height Measurements Taken by Observer #1 Compared to Observer #2 in the 2D Lung, 2D Soft Tissue, and 3D Endoluminal Views

Measurement Parameter Mean Percentage Difference (%) ∗ Mean Difference (mm) † Standard Deviation of Difference 95% Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement ‡ 2D Lung 24.1 0.26 1.07 -1.84, 2.36 2D soft tissue 21.8 0.26 0.84 -1.39, 1.91 3D 24.1 0.47 1.36 -2.21, 3.14

2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional.

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Table 4

Statistical Analysis of Long Axis Measurements Taken by Observer #1 Compared to Observer #2 in the 2D Lung, 2D Soft Tissue, and 3D Endoluminal Views

Measurement Parameter Mean Percentage Difference (%) ∗ Mean Difference (mm) † Standard Deviation of Difference 95% Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement ‡ 2D Lung 18.9 0.94 2.32 -3.61,5.48 2D soft tissue 20.2 0.92 2.22 -3.43, 5.28 3D 12.1 0.46 2.11 -3.67, 4.59

2D, two-dimensional; 3D, three-dimensional.

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Figure 5, Bland-Altman plot of the difference between polyp long axis measurements of Observer #1 and Observer #2 versus mean long axis measurement of lesions in the 3D endoluminal view.

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Lesion Measurements

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Figure 6, Intra-observer measurement average % differences versus view. There was a statistically significant difference (analysis of variance, P = .02) in the average percent difference in intra-observer height measurements among the two-dimensional (2D) lung (8.9%), 2D soft tissue (11.5%), 2D flat (12.4%), and three-dimensional (3D) endoluminal (18.6%) viewing methods. A post-hoc two-tailed t -test showed a significant difference between the 2D lung and 3D endoluminal viewing methods ( P = .025).

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Comparison of Viewing Methods

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Conspicuity and Measurement

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Lesion Follow-up

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Source of Variability

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Appendix 1

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Figure 1A, Bland-Altman plot of the difference between polyp height measurements of Observer #1 and Observer #2 versus mean height measurement of lesions in the three-dimensional endoluminal view.

Figure 2A, Bland-Altman plot of the difference between polyp long axis measurements of Observer #1 and Observer #2 versus mean long axis measurement of lesions in the two-dimensional lung view.

Figure 3A, Bland-Altman plot of the difference between polyp height measurements of Observer #1 and Observer #2 versus mean height measurement of lesions in the two-dimensional lung view.

Figure 4A, Bland-Altman plot of the difference between polyp long axis measurements of Observer #1 and Observer #2 versus mean long axis measurement of lesions in the two-dimensional soft tissue view.

Figure 5A, Bland-Altman plot of the difference between polyp height measurements of Observer #1 and Observer #2 versus mean height measurement of lesions in the two-dimensional soft tissue view.

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