Home Convolutional Neural Networks with Template-Based Data Augmentation for Functional Lung Image Quantification

Convolutional Neural Networks with Template-Based Data Augmentation for Functional Lung Image Quantification

Rationale and Objectives

We propose an automated segmentation pipeline based on deep learning for proton lung MRI segmentation and ventilation-based quantification which improves on our previously reported methodologies in terms of computational efficiency while demonstrating accuracy and robustness. The large data requirement for the proposed framework is made possible by a novel template-based data augmentation strategy. Supporting this work is the open-source ANTsRNet —a growing repository of well-known deep learning architectures first introduced here.

Materials and Methods

Deep convolutional neural network (CNN) models were constructed and trained using a custom multilabel Dice metric loss function and a novel template-based data augmentation strategy. Training (including template generation and data augmentation) employed 205 proton MR images and 73 functional lung MRI. Evaluation was performed using data sets of size 63 and 40 images, respectively.


Accuracy for CNN-based proton lung MRI segmentation (in terms of Dice overlap) was left lung: 0.93 ± 0.03, right lung: 0.94 ± 0.02, and whole lung: 0.94 ± 0.02. Although slightly less accurate than our previously reported joint label fusion approach (left lung: 0.95 ± 0.02, right lung: 0.96 ± 0.01, and whole lung: 0.96 ± 0.01), processing time is <1 second per subject for the proposed approach versus ∼30 minutes per subject using joint label fusion. Accuracy for quantifying ventilation defects was determined based on a consensus labeling where average accuracy (Dice multilabel overlap of ventilation defect regions plus normal region) was 0.94 for the CNN method; 0.92 for our previously reported method; and 0.90, 0.92, and 0.94 for expert readers.


The proposed framework yields accurate automated quantification in near real time. CNNs drastically reduce processing time after offline model construction and demonstrate significant future potential for facilitating quantitative analysis of functional lung MRI.


Probing lung function under a variety of conditions and/or pathologies has been significantly facilitated by the use of hyperpolarized gas imaging and corresponding quantitative image analysis methodologies. Such developments have provided direction and opportunity for current and future research trends . Computational techniques targeting these imaging technologies permit spatial quantification of localized ventilation with potential for increased reproducibility, resolution, and robustness over traditional spirometry and radiological readings , .

One of the most frequently used image-based biomarkers for the study of pulmonary development and disease is based on the quantification of regions of limited ventilation, also known as ventilation defects . These features have been shown to be particularly salient in a clinical context. For example, ventilation defect volume to total lung volume ratio has been shown to outperform other image-based features in discriminating asthmatics versus nonasthmatics . Ventilation defects have also demonstrated discriminative capabilities in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma . These findings, along with related research, have motivated the development of multiple automated and semiautomated segmentation algorithms which have been proposed in the literature (eg, ) and are currently used in a variety of clinical research investigations (eg, ).

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Image Acquisition

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Image Processing and Analysis

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Figure 1, Illustration of the proposed workflow. Training the U-net models for both proton and ventilation imaging includes template-based data augmentation. This offline training is computationally intensive but is only performed once. Subsequent individual subject preprocessing includes MR denoising and bias correction. The proton mask determined from the proton U-net model is included as a separate channel (in deep learning software parlance) for ventilation image processing. (Color version of figure is available online.)

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Previous Approaches From Our Group for Lung and Ventilation-Based Segmentation

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Figure 2, Side-by-side image comparison showing the effects of preprocessing on the proton (top) and ventilation (bottom) MRI. (a) Uncorrected image showing MR field inhomogeneity and noise. (b) Corresponding corrected image in which the bias effects have been ameliorated.

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U-Net Architecture for Structural/Functional Lung Segmentation

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Figure 3, The modified U-net architecture for both structural and functional lung segmentation (although certain parameters, specifically the number of filters per convolution layer, are specific to the functional case). Network layers are represented as boxes with arrows designating connections between layers. The main parameter value for each layer is provided above the corresponding box. Each layer of the descending (or “encoding”) branch of the network is characterized by two convolutional layers. Modification of the original architecture includes an intermediate dropout layer for regularization (dropout rate = 0.2). A max pooling operation produces the feature map for the next series. The ascending (or “decoding”) branch is similarly characterized. A convolutional transpose operation is used to upsample the feature map following a convolution → dropout → convolution layer series until the final convolutional operation which yields the segmentation probability maps. (Color version of figure is available online.)

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Template-Based Data Augmentation

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Snew=Ssource(φ−1target(φsource)) S































Figure 4, Template-based data augmentation for the proton (left) and ventilation (right) U-net model generation. For both cases, a template is created, or selected, to generate the transforms to and from the template. The derived deformable, invertible transform for the k th subject, S k to the template, T , is denoted by φ k : S k ↔ T . These subject-specific mappings are used during model training (but not the template itself). Data augmentation occurs by randomly choosing a reference subject and a target subject during batch processing. In the illustration above, the sample mapping of Subject 1 to the space of Subject 2, represented by the green curved arrow, is defined as φ−12(φ1) φ2−1(φ1) . (Color version of figure is available online.)

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Table 1

Current ANTsRNet Capabilities Comprising Architectures for Applications in Image Segmentation, Image Classification, Object Localization, and Image Super-Resolution. Self-Contained Examples with Data are also Provided to Demonstrate Usage for Each of the Architectures. Although the Majority of Neural Network Architectures are Originally Described for 2-D Images, we Generalized the Work to 3-D Implementations Where Possible

ANTsRNetImage Segmentation U-net (2-D) Extends fully convolutional neural networks by including an upsampling decoding path with skip connections linking corresponding encoding/decoding layers. V-net (3-D) 3-D extension of U-net which incorporates a customized Dice loss function.Image Classification AlexNet (2-D, 3-D) Convolutional neural network that precipitated renewed interest in neural networks. VGG16/VGG19 (2-D, 3-D) Also known as “OxfordNet.” VGG architectures are much deeper than AlexNet. Two popular styles are implemented. GoogLeNet (2-D) A 22-layer network formed from inception blocks meant to reduce the number of parameters relative to other architectures. ResNet (2-D, 3-D) Characterized by specialized residualized blocks (and skip connections. ResNeXt (2-D, 3-D) A variant of ResNet distinguished by a hyperparameter called cardinality defining the number of independent paths. DenseNet (2-D, 3-D) Based on the observation that performance is typically enhanced with shorter connections between the layers and the input.Object Localization SSD (2-D, 3-D) The Multibox Single-Shot Detection (SSD) algorithm for determining bounding boxes around objects of interest. SSD7 (2-D, 3-D) Lightweight SSD variant which increases speed by slightly sacrificing accuracy. Training size requirements are smaller.Image super-resolution SRCNN (2-D, 3-D) Image super-resolution using CNNs.

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Processing Specifics

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Proton MRI Lung Segmentation

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we applied it to the evaluation data consisting of the same 62 proton MRI used in . We performed a direct comparison with the JLF method of with an adopted modification that we currently use in our studies. Instead of using the entire atlas set (which would require a large number of pairwise image registrations), we align the center of the image to be segmented with each atlas image and compute a neighborhood cross-correlation similarity metric . We then select the 10 atlas images that are most similar for use in the JLF scheme. The resulting performance numbers (in terms of Dice overlap) are similar to what we obtained previously and are given in Figure 5 along with the Dice overlap numbers from the CNN-based approach.

Figure 5, The Dice overlap coefficient for the left and right lungs (and their combination) between the updated latter requires significantly less computation time. (Color version of figure is available online.)

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Ventilation MRI Lung Segmentation

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Figure 6, The Dice overlap coefficient for total, normal lung, and ventilation defect regions for segmentation of the functional evaluation data set. (Color version of figure is available online.)

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Figure 7, Problematic case showing potential issues with the JLF approach (left) for proton lung segmentation where a difficult pairwise image registration caused segmentation failure. In contrast, by learning features directly, the U-net approach (right) avoids possible registration difficulties. (Color version of figure is available online.)

Figure 8, Ventilation segmentation comparison between a human reader and the two computational approaches. Notice the effects of the partial voluming at the apex of the lungs, indicated by the yellow arrow, which are labeled as ventilation defect by the Atropos approach whereas U-net and the human reader correctly label this region. (Color version of figure is available online.)

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