Home Debates, Dialectic, and Rhetoric

Debates, Dialectic, and Rhetoric

Arguing is an art and essential to the functioning of our political and legal system. Moderated debates between residents are a useful educational vehicle to teach residents health economics and health policy. Articulating the opposing arguments leads to greater mutual understanding, an appreciation of the limits of knowledge and improved advocacy.

“The test of a first rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Crack-up”, Esquire Magazine, February 1936

In preparing radiology residents to meet the broad challenges of the present and tomorrow it can scarcely be objected to that becoming an excellent clinical radiologist, though necessary, is not sufficient . Radiologists will have to demonstrate their value at the societal level as well as at the patient level. They may have to persuade a variety of decision-makers, the local congress member, the chief executive officer of the hospital, and the payers, to name but a few.

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Arguing as a vehicle of medical education

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The introduction of debates to the resident curriculum

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Format of the debate

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Topics for debate

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Role of the moderator

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Why radiology and radiologists?

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Resident debates at national meetings

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