Home Differentiation Between Brucellar and Tuberculous Spondylodiscitis in the Acute and Subacute Stages by MRI

Differentiation Between Brucellar and Tuberculous Spondylodiscitis in the Acute and Subacute Stages by MRI

Rationale and Objectives

The aim of this study was to reveal the distinctive features of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for distinguishing brucellar spondylodiscitis (BSD) from tuberculous spondylodiscitis (TSD) in the acute and subacute stages.


This study involved 14 patients with BSD and 18 patients with TSD from May 2011 to January 2015. BSD was diagnosed based on ≥1/160 titers of a Brucella agglutination test or isolation of Brucella spp. TSD was diagnosed based on the isolation of tuberculosis bacteria. All patients underwent T1- and T2-weight imaging (T1WI and T2WI) and fat suppression T2WI (FS T2WI). The height and the signal intensity (SI) of the vertebra and intervertebral disc were assessed. The distinctive MRI features were compared using the chi-square test. The SI of the vertebra between BSD and TSD was observed in terms of histogram characteristics of kurtosis, skewness, and percentile (75%–25%) on FS T2WI.


Twenty-nine (76.3%) vertebrae of BSD were infected throughout the whole vertebra, and 49 (90.7%) vertebrae of TSD were infected near the osseous end plate ( P < .001). Compared to TSD, the vertebral height of BSD was nearly intact ( P < .001), owing to the new bone formation in the end plate without vertebral collapse. Furthermore, significant differences in the SI of the vertebra were observed between patients with BSD and TSD in terms of homogeneous characteristics on FS T2WI, that is, kurtosis (BSD vs TSD, 0.107 vs −0.250, P = .023), skewness (BSD vs TSD, −0.021 vs 0.266, P = .017), and percentile (75%–25%) (BSD vs TSD, 54.498 vs 79.399, P = .00049).


The nearly intact vertebra with homogeneous high signal on FS T2WI was an important MRI feature for distinguishing BSD from TSD in the acute and subacute stages.


Brucellosis is an important systemic zoonotic infection. Having a worldwide distribution, it mainly affects people in developing countries . It is endemic in areas such as the Mediterranean region, the Arabian Peninsula, the Indian subcontinent, Mexico, and parts of Central and South America. It is considered a public health problem in many countries. Brucellosis has variable and nonspecific clinical signs and symptoms. The majority of symptoms are fever, sweat, weakness, anorexia, headache, and backache. Its diagnosis may be difficult because brucellar spondylodiscitis (BSD) may resemble tuberculous spondylodiscitis (TSD) regarding similar clinical presentation and symptom in the acute (<3 months) and subacute (3–12 months) stages . BSD is easy to miss or may be misdiagnosed as TSD. A delayed diagnosis without appropriate treatment in the acute or subacute stages may lead to clinical morbidity and loss of productivity . The clinical differentiation of BSD and TSD is important because the medications used to manage these infections are notably different. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment with antibrucellar chemotherapy is known to be an effective treatment, whereas surgical decompression is rarely needed . Therefore, it is essential to screen first, relying on the imaging characteristics to determine whether it is brucellosis.

There are no previous studies differentiating BSD and TSD in the acute and subacute stages. The earliest response to vertebral osteomyelitis is the accumulation of water in the marrow. Early changes in the infected vertebral bodies have been previously observed on conventional T1- and T2-weighted images (T1WI and T2WI) . Fat suppression (FS) T2WI is more sensitive and reliable in the detection of water protons in contrast to T1WI and T2WI . Hence, the aim of our study was to compare the height and signal intensity (SI) of the vertebra and intervertebral disc to distinguish BSD from TSD in the acute and subacute stages using FS T2WI technique.

Materials and Methods

Patient Selection

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MRI Protocols

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Imaging Parameters of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan

Sequence TR/TE (ms) FOV (mm) Matrix ST (mm) NEX ETL SN TA T1WI 520/8 270 × 270 (cervical)

350 × 350 (thoracic)

300 × 300 (lumbar) 236 × 234 3 3 33 (cervical)

30 (thoracic)

26 (lumbar) 12 2 min 3 s (cervical)

2 min 31 s (thoracic)

1 min 43 s (lumbar) T2WI 3363/107 270 × 270 (cervical)

350 × 350 (thoracic)

300 × 300 (lumbar) 236 × 234 3 3 33 (cervical)

30 (thoracic)

26 (lumbar) 12 2 min 3 s (cervical)

3 min 36 s (thoracic)

2 min 7 s (lumbar) FS T2WI 3500/60 270 × 270 (cervical)

350 × 350 (thoracic)

300 × 300 (lumbar) 236 × 234 3 3 33 (cervical)

30 (thoracic)

26 (lumbar) 12 2 min 41 s (cervical)

2 min 18 s (thoracic)

3 min 32 s (lumbar)

ETL, echo-train length; FOV, field of view; NEX, number of excitations; SN, slice number; ST, section thickness; TA, time of acquisition, TE, echo time; TR, repetition time.

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Image Analysis

Assessment of Vertebra Signal Distribution and Height of the Vertebra and Disc

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Signal Intensity Measurement of the Vertebra and Disc

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Figure 1, (a) A 26-year-old woman diagnosed with brucellar spondylodiscitis (BSD). Sagittal fat suppression (FS) T2WI showed high signal intensity (SI) at L5–S1 vertebrae and L5–S1 intervertebral disc. The regions of interest (ROIs) of the vertebrae, intervertebral disc, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were shown ( arrow ). (b) A 25-year-old woman diagnosed with tuberculous spondylodiscitis (TSD). The L5 vertebra was collapsed; heterogeneous SIs at the L4–L5 vertebrae were seen on T1WI, T2WI, and FS T2WI; an epidural soft tissue lesion was also observed. ( c) A 53-year-old man diagnosed with BSD. The T6–T7 vertebrae were intact, and the T6–T7 intervertebral disc space was close to lost; T6–T7 vertebrae presented homogeneous high SIs on T2WI and FS T2WI. (d) A 42-year-old woman diagnosed with TSD. The T12 vertebra was collapsed; heterogeneous SIs at the T11–T12 vertebrae were observed on T1WI, T2WI, and FS T2WI.

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Statistical Analysis

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skewness=σ−3∑N−1i=0(i−μ)3pi​, skewness

















kurtosis=σ−4∑N−1i=0(i−μ)4pi−3. kurtosis


















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Clinical Baseline of Patients

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Patients’ Demographic, Clinical, and Hematological Data

Characteristics TSD Group BSD Group_P_ Value Age, y (mean ± SD) 39.44 ± 15.44 54.64 ± 9.77 .014 Gender (female/male) 7/11 5/9 .854 Duration of symptoms, mo (mean ± SD) 4.55 ± 2.11 3.77 ± 3.08 .725 Symptoms and signs Fever 13 (72.2%) 9 (64.3%) .712 Sweating 17 (94.4%) 7 (50%) .010 Back pain 18 (100%) 14 (100%) Not applicable Neurological deficiency 10 (55.6%) 1 (7%) .008 Laboratory findings (mean ± SD) ESR (mm/h) 43.27 ± 13.21 25.72 ± 13.81 .840 Level affected Cervical 0 2 (5.2%) .168 Thoracic 19 (35.2%) 10 (26.3%) .164 Lumbar 31 (57.4%) 25 (65.8%) .516 Sacral 4 (7.4%) 1 (2.6%) .400

BSD, brucellar spondylodiscitis; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, SD, standard deviation; TSD, tuberculous spondylodiscitis.

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Observer Agreement in the Interpretation of MRI Signs

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Intraobserver and Interobserver Agreement for Vertebral and Disc Height

Observers Kappa Value Vertebral Height Disc Height Intraobserver A1-A2 0.907 0.702 B1-B2 0.726 0.833 Interobserver A1-B1 0.862 0.655 A1-B2 0.770 0.821 A2-B1 0.862 0.721 A2-B2 0.770 0.654

A1 and A2 were the first and the second assessment of the first observer, and B1 and B2 were the first and the second assessment of the second observer.

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Figure 2, Bland-Altman plots of two measurements of kurtosis and skewness in brucellar spondylodiscitis (BSD) (a, b) and tuberculous spondylodiscitis (TSD) (c, d) .

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MRI Characteristic Comparison Between BSD and TSD

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Comparison of Signal Distribution Location of the Infected Vertebra, the Height of the Vertebra and Disc, the Signal Intensity of the Disc Between BSD and TSD

Classification BSD TSD_P_ Value Vertebra_n_ = 38n = 54 Distribution location of high SI <.001 Type A 29 (76.3%) 5 (9.3%) Type B 9 (23.7%) 49 (90.7%) Height of the vertebra <.001 Normal 34 (89.5%) 24 (44.4%) Flat 4 (10.5%) 30 (55.6%) Disc_n_ = 18n = 34 Height of the disc .395 Normal 5 (23.1%) 6 (17.6%) Flat 13 (76.9%) 28 (82.4%) Signal intensity of the disc SI disc /SI CSF 0%–30% 0 (0%) 10 (29.4%) .165 30%-60% 8 (44.4%) 15 (44.1%) .982 60%-100% 10 (55.6%) 9 (26.5%) .068

BSD, brucellar spondylodiscitis; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; SI, signal intensity; TSD, tuberculous spondylodiscitis.

Figure 3, (a) A 68-year-old woman diagnosed with brucellar spondylodiscitis (BSD). The lesions were L2 and L3. (b) A 52-year-old man diagnosed with tuberculous spondylodiscitis (TSD). The lesions were L4 and L5. In (a) and (b) , the ROIs with the red irregular line were manually delineated in FS T2WI at the center of the lesion (L2 and L4, respectively). (c) This histogram is from the patient with BSD in case (a) . (d) This histogram is from the patient with TSD in case (b) . According to the histogram, the kurtosis of BSD was higher than that of TSD. The skewness and percentile (75%–25%) of BSD were smaller than those of TSD. (e – g) A bar chart comparison of the skewness, kurtosis, and percentile (75%–25%) of the signal distribution of the vertebra between all patients with BSD and TSD in the lesions. P = .023, .017, and .00049, respectively. *Significance level at P < .05. (Color version of figure is available online.)

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