Home Direct Diagnosis in Radiology Head and Neck

Direct Diagnosis in Radiology Head and Neck

This book is part of a series of small, portable, efficient review books in radiology. In this case, the subject matter is a subset of neuroradiology, head and neck imaging. There are some positives that I found in reviewing this book: it is indeed quite portable (it could easily be carried around in a large pocket or in a bag), well organized, to the point, and well illustrated (with quite legible pictures for a small softcover book), and it includes sections such as “What does the clinician want to know?” and “Tips and Pitfalls.” I was very interested in the potential for these latter two sections in particular but was not convinced that this potential was fully realized. Moreover, there were sections titled “Pathognomonic findings,” which I personally consider to be a misnomer, especially punctuated when the authors point out in some of these how nonspecific some of the findings may be.

Perhaps most evident to me in reviewing this book was that I felt that readers would benefit most if they already have great funds of knowledge on the subject and extensive experience interpreting cases such as these. As such, I am not sure what this adds to the literature or what the optimal group to best use its resources.


Contents: ★★

Readability: ★★★

Perceived Accuracy: ★★★★

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