Home Entrepreneurship in the Academic Radiology Environment

Entrepreneurship in the Academic Radiology Environment

Rationale and Objectives

Innovation and entrepreneurship in health care can help solve the current health care crisis by creating products and services that improve quality and convenience while reducing costs.

Materials and Methods

To effectively drive innovation and entrepreneurship within the current health care delivery environment, academic institutions will need to provide education, promote networking across disciplines, align incentives, and adapt institutional cultures. This article provides a general review of entrepreneurship and commercialization from the perspective of academic radiology departments, drawing on information sources in several disciplines including radiology, medicine, law, and business.


Our review will discuss the role of universities in supporting academic entrepreneurship, identify drivers of entrepreneurship, detail opportunities for academic radiologists, and outline key strategies that foster greater involvement of radiologists in entrepreneurial efforts and encourage leadership to embrace and support entrepreneurship.

Health care innovation offers incredible potential for solving many of the complex and pressing problems that physicians are facing today, such as an increasing proportion of patients with chronic diseases, childhood and adult obesity, and an aging population. New diagnostic and treatment paradigms in the United States spurred a 4% increase in life expectancy, 16% decrease in annual mortality rates, and 25% decline in disability rates for the elderly from 1980 to 2000 . However, the cost of delivering health care in the United States has increased at an alarming rate with many health policy analysts indicating that the adoption of new and advanced health care technologies is one of the primary drivers . Moreover, advanced diagnostic imaging modalities such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography have been targeted as expensive health care technologies responsible for driving up costs, despite their integral role in producing substantially better health care. As a result, the field of radiology has been significantly impacted by decreases in reimbursement and a prolonged decline in imaging volume .

The critical role of innovation in health care is relevant to academic radiologists for two reasons. First, as a result of the current health care crisis, academic radiology departments are likely to experience further declines in reimbursement and volume without broadly applicable strategies to compensate for financial losses that will eventually (if not already) impact the academic mission. Second, given that imaging is widely used and plays an integral role in patient care, entrepreneurial radiologists are well positioned to drive innovation in imaging technologies and services. The purpose of this article was to provide a general review of entrepreneurship and commercialization in the academic setting in an effort to increase awareness, foster greater involvement of radiologists in entrepreneurial efforts at their institutions, and encourage leadership to embrace and support entrepreneurship. This review provided by the Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Task Force draws on information sources in several disciplines including radiology, medicine, law, and business. Although written specifically for radiologists in academia, several sections provide a broader perspective because of a relative paucity of information specific to academic entrepreneurship for radiologists.

Role of universities in supporting academic entrepreneurship

The general mission of an academic institution is twofold: to advance scientific knowledge and to share this knowledge for the benefit of the society. This latter ambition typically comes in the form of training students who then spread out into different sectors hosting conferences, consulting and collaborating with public and private interests, and publishing research results. Often overlooked is the intellectual property (IP) patented by academicians and licensed to private industry, a form of information transfer that can have significant societal and economic impact . This arrangement can have numerous beneficiaries; principals, and shareholders benefit from the direct financial success of the product, while researchers see wider and more rapid adoption of their ideas and concomitant academic recognition.


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University Policies

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Table 1

Royalty Distribution Policies for the Top 10 Patent-Producing Universities and University Systems in the United States

University Royalties Inventor Laboratory, Department, or Campus School and University System Technology Licensing or Transfer Administrative Fee University of California — 35% of net royalties 15% to the inventor’s campus or laboratory — — Massachusetts Institute of Technology — 33% of net royalties 50% distributed among departments and centers — 15% from gross royalty income California Institute of Technology — 25% of net royalties — — — University of Texas — 50% of net royalties — 50% to the university system — Stanford University — 33% of net royalties 33% to the inventor’s department 33% to the inventor’s school 15% from gross royalty income University of Wisconsin — 20% of gross royalties 15% to department 65% to graduate school — Johns Hopkins University — 15% of net royalties 15% to inventor’s laboratory and 30% to inventor’s department 5% to the inventor’s school — University of Michigan Net royalties up to $200,000 50% of net royalties 17% to the originating unit 18% to the originating school, college, division, or center 15% to the central administration Net royalties between $200,000 and $2 million 30% of net royalties 20% to the originating unit 25% to the originating school, college, division, or center 25% to the central administration Net royalties greater than $2 million 30% of net royalties — 35% to the originating school, college, division, or center 35% to the central administration Cornell University Net royalties 33.3% of net royalties 19.8% to the inventor’s research budget, subunit, and university unit 13.2% to the university 33.3% Columbia University Net royalties less than $100,000 50% of net royalties 25% to the inventor’s research and innovation account 25% to the central university 20% of gross royalties Net royalties greater than $100,000 25% of net royalties 25% to the inventor’s research and innovation account; 8.5% to the inventor’s department 8.5% to the inventor’s school and 33% to the central university 20% of gross royalties

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Shifting to Start-ups

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Entrepreneurship in the academic environment

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Entrepreneurs and Their Teams

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Radiologist Entrepreneurs

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Institutional Environment

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External Factors

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Internal Factors

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Knowledge and Experiential Programs

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Institutional Culture

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Institutional Policies Affecting Entrepreneurship and IP Protection

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Incentives for Entrepreneurial Academic Radiologists

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Academic Affiliation for Entrepreneurial Radiologists

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Commercializing discoveries

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Exit Strategy

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Opportunities for entrepreneurial academic radiologists

Information Technology


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Unique Characteristics

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Medical Devices


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Unique Characteristics

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Unique Characteristics

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Disruptive Innovations

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