Home Entrustable Professional Activities

Entrustable Professional Activities

Rationale and Objectives

Learner assessment in medical education has undergone tremendous change over the past two decades. During this time frame, the concept of Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) was introduced to guide the faculty when making competency-based decisions on the level of supervision required by trainees. EPAs are gaining momentum in medical education as a basis for decisions related to transitioning from residency training to clinical practice. The purpose of this article is twofold: (1) define EPAs for radiology (EPA-R) and (2) illustrate radiology-specific examples of these EPAs.

Materials and Methods

A multi-institutional work group composed of members of the Alliance of Directors and Vice Chairs of Education in Radiology convened at the 2015 Association of University Radiologists annual meeting to discuss radiology EPAs. The EPAs initially developed by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Radiology milestone work group and the resultant ACGME Radiology milestones formed the basis for this discussion.


A total of 10 radiology EPAs and illustrative vignettes were developed to help radiology educators and trainees better understand milestone assessment and how this translates to the necessary skills and responsibilities of practicing radiologists. Examples of EPA mapping to the ACGME subcompetencies and methods of assessment were included.


EPAs offer an opportunity to improve our approach to training by increasing our focus on how we provide appropriate supervision to our residents and assess their progress. In this work, through suggested lists and vignettes, we have attempted to establish the framework for further discussion and development of EPA-Rs.


Learner assessment in medical education has undergone tremendous change over the past two decades. In 2002, the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) introduced the concept of six specific areas of performance that can be measured, the competencies, through the Outcomes Project . This was followed by the introduction of the milestones with the ACGME Next Accreditation System, implemented in July 2013 . Ten Cate introduced the concept of Entrustable Professional Activity (EPA) to allow the faculty to make competency-based decisions on the level of supervision required by trainees during this same time frame .

EPAs are gaining momentum in medical education as a basis for decisions related to transitioning from residency training to clinical practice . The number of specialties reporting EPAs continues to increase and includes internal medicine , pediatrics , family medicine , critical care medicine , as well as emergency medicine , but, to the best of our knowledge, not radiology. The purpose of this article is twofold: (1) define EPAs for Radiology (EPA-R) and (2) illustrate radiology-specific examples of these EPAs.

What Is an Entrustable Professional Activity?

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ACGME Competencies, Subcompetencies, and Milestones

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Clinical Activities and Responsibilities of Radiologists: Defining EPAs

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EPA-R 1: Collaborates as a Member of an Interprofessional Team

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EPA-R 1 Vignette

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EPA-R 2: Triages and Protocols Exams

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EPA-R 2 Vignette

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EPA-R 3: Interprets Examinations and Prioritizes a Differential Diagnosis

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EPA-R 3 Vignette

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EPA-R 4: Communicates Diagnostic Imaging Findings

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EPA-R 4 Vignette

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EPA-R 5: Recommends Appropriate Next Steps

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EPA-R 5 Vignette

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EPA-R 6 Vignette

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EPA-R 7: Manages Patient after Imaging and Procedures

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EPA-R 7 Vignette

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EPA-R 8: Formulates Clinical Questions and Retrieves Evidence to Advance Patient Care

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EPA-R 8 Vignette

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EPA-R 9: Behaves Professionally

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EPA-R 9 Vignette

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EPA-R 10: Identifies System Failures and Contributes to a Culture of Safety and Improvement

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EPA-R 10 Vignette

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