Home Expert Differential Diagnosis Musculoskeletal Book Review

Expert Differential Diagnosis Musculoskeletal Book Review

EXPERTddx: Musculoskeletal is part of the brand-new EXPERTddx series, a unique print and electronic reference that guides radiologists toward logical, on-target differential diagnoses on the basis of key imaging findings and clinical information. The book presents the most useful differential diagnoses for the musculoskeletal system, grouped into three categories: anatomy based, image based (radiography or computed tomography, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine), and clinically based. Each differential diagnosis includes at least eight clear, sharp, succinctly annotated images; a list of diagnostic possibilities sorted as common, less common, and rare but important; and brief, bulleted text offering helpful diagnostic clues. The companion online AMIRSYS e-book provides additional annotated images.

Musculoskeletal offers more than 200 expert differential diagnoses covering a broad spectrum of musculoskeletal diseases, including trauma, arthritis, tumor, congenital, and metabolic disease. The authors neatly organize the included entities into likelihood of occurrence, with both text excerpts and imaging provided to further differentiate among differential possibilities in musculoskeletal imaging. The three major categories are very useful in navigating the information quickly. Clinically based differentials provide a general directive to determine a source of pain (eg, “lateral elbow pain,” “snapping hip”) or clinically observed abnormality (eg, “flat foot deformity,” “arthritis in a teenager”). Image-based differentials help search for unique imaging appearances, such as “bone lesions with fluid-fluid levels” and “bone within bone appearance,” among an extensive list of other common appearances. Anatomy-based differentials display some larger lists related to the region of interest. The anatomic differential lists include specific bone and joint locations for pathology as well as more generic locations in the musculoskeletal system. Among long bone differential lists, a text and pictorially based breakdown according to location along the bone (epiphyseal vs metaphyseal vs diaphyseal and central vs eccentric vs cortically based vs surface location) is provided. The layout of the text takes little time to become acclimated to, and eventually the casual reader will recognize that abnormalities are found among several lists and sections. Some examples of this include acro-osteolysis and distal interphalangeal erosions, which are included in the anatomically based list “acroosteolysis,” which is also found listed under “fingers and toes” as well as in the anatomically based list “IP-predominant arthritis,” found under “joints.” The table of contents is instrumental in making the most optimal use of this reference text.

I find EXPERTddx: Musculoskeletal useful for practicing radiologists, radiology residents and fellows, orthopedic surgeons, physiatrists, rheumatologists, and other practitioners interested in the daily practice of radiology and as a study guide for people starting out in the subspecialty. Because EXPERTddx is a series of texts, this particular reference neglects some of the spinal pathology and discussions found specifically in the text on the brain and spine, which is reviewed separately. The most captivating part of the reference is the e-book companion, which allows the authors to add, alter, and update the differential diagnosis lists when possible and necessary. This allows for up to date information and easy search ability. The e-book is a unique feature of this reference text series that allows book owners to register their references and easily search for the images and captions online in a similar format as the hardcover text. The online e-book companion offers hundreds of additional images not found in the book. The reference hardcover text can be burdensome to carry around, and having the online e-book tool always available is a quite welcome feature included with purchase.

EXPERTddx: Musculoskeletal is a great addition to the wonderful EXPERTddx series designed specifically to help radiologists and clinicians reach reliable conclusions in a practical, easy-to-use, “go-to” reference. Outstanding color graphics in this book illustrate the anatomy and radiologic images of various musculoskeletal diseases in the axial and appendicular skeleton. This is an outstanding comprehensive reference on imaging of the musculoskeletal system, helping radiologists and clinicians become familiarized with the myriad appearances of normal and pathologic conditions.


Contents: ★★★★

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