Home Finding What Your Learners Need, the First Step in Teaching

Finding What Your Learners Need, the First Step in Teaching

It does not make sense to spend the time and effort to teach something that no one wants or needs, but when we are in too much of a hurry, we may ignore the first step in planning an educational activity: the assessment of needs. Before you start to plan a teaching/learning experience, it is important to diagnose the needs of the learners. A needs assessment is an exploration to contrast the way things are with the way they should be. Needs represent this gap in the knowledge or performance of individuals or groups. By establishing the nature and degree of need, we can plan the learning to be accomplished, the change that we can expect as a result of the learning, and the type of teaching or training that will close the gap. The three steps in a needs assessment are 1) assessment of the problem or gap, 2) planning the appropriate education to address the problem/gap, and 3) assessing the change that has occurred as a result of the education.

Several factors influence the needs of learners, some are intrinsic and some extrinsic. Internal needs occur when we or someone with whom we work notes a knowledge or performance deficiency. We can then take the most direct measures to correct the deficit. One problem is that it is difficult to recognize what we do not know or a gradual deterioration in performance. When it is indicated from external observations, we may not take kindly to the information. When a need is suddenly encountered, it may not be simple to address the problem immediately. External needs are present constantly: new techniques, new diseases, changes in professional activities, certification requirements, and societal expectations, and all constitute problems that must be addressed.

Our diverse needs should be recognized with educational priorities set to address them. An effective needs assessment encompasses both the context of the learning desired and the people affected by the learning curriculum. Several techniques for assessing needs exist and include the following.

Expert opinion

You have taught learners at this level for many years, and found an appropriate rationale for following an instructional sequence, including specific topics, and presenting them to learners.

Subject matter analysis and investigation of similar programs for similar learners. Information can be obtained from attending professional meetings.

Analysis of existing data

Tests, in-training exams, evaluations, and patient outcome data indicate areas that need to be addressed with additional learning/training. Review surveys, records, compare similar learners.

Requests from learners

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Literature review

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Structured interviews

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Group meeting

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Direct observation of performance

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Licensing, certification requirements

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Records, work samples

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