Home Guidelines for Moderators

Guidelines for Moderators

The ideal moderator of a conference session does more than simply introduce the speakers to the audience: a capable facilitator can do a great deal to lead the presenters and the participants on an informative journey. This article discusses expectations of a moderator and tips that can be applied to facilitate effective and efficient sessions at professional society meetings and to optimize the satisfaction of audience members. To assist first-time moderators become adept, these guidelines are comprehensive; however, even the most experienced moderators may benefit by reviewing this article.

Roles of a moderator

The expectations of a moderator are multifactorial and variable, depending on the type of session he or she is asked to lead . The moderator should check with the meeting organizers about guidelines and regulations for the particular meeting. An effective moderator should be energetic and hands-on to ensure the success of the program under his or her oversight. Although many moderators understand their overt role during a session, such as introducing speakers and coordinating the podium exchanges and being the timekeeper, they may not realize that the function often extends to planning, coordinating, and communicating before the conference. This responsibility stems from the moderator’s primary role as an advocate for the audience, which is best served by advanced reconnaissance and preparation.

Although preparation depends on the specific type of session – such as lecture, interactive, panel, scientific, or poster – moderators should be available to serve as a mentor or a coach for less-experienced speakers. Depending on the type of session and meeting, some aspects of the moderating will be different, but the principles will be similar. Optimally, the moderator is a seasoned speaker who is knowledgeable about the topics to be discussed. In appropriate circumstances, this may allow and encourage the moderator to coordinate speakers in the assigned session, ensuring that the presentations are fluid and cohesive and not duplicative. In the coaching role, the moderator should know the preparation and production deadlines, and if appropriate, depending on the format of the conference and the structure of the program committee, serve as the coordinating contact with the central administrative staff. These functions should lead to success, particularly in respecting the designated program schedule and minimizing last-minute modifications. The moderator facilitates open discussion and audience queries when appropriate and should prepare questions to ask if the attendees do not have questions. The role of the moderator therefore entails more than simply showing up at the session, introducing the speakers, and taking questions. Checklists have been used in industry and in health care to ensure that key steps are not omitted and that standardized guidelines are followed, and a checklist has been included here for easy reference ( Table 1 ).

Table 1

Checklist for Moderators

Before the Meeting Early

  • ○ Help pick topics and speakers

  • ○ Consider a comoderator

Initial communication with speakers

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Later communications with speakers

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Self-assessment modules (SAMs) communications

Preparation by moderator

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At the Meeting Before the session

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15 minutes before session

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Opening comments

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During the presentations

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During the question/ answer period

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After the Session

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Before the meeting

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Communications with the speakers

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SAM special requirements

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Preparing for the post-talk discussion

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At the meeting

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The session

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During the session

Opening Comments

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During the Question and Answer Segment

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Ending the session

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After the session

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  • 1. Radiological Society of North America: Scientific Program Presiding Officers Booklet [Brochure].2013.

  • 2. Radiological Society of North America: Refresher Course Program Faculty Booklet [Brochure].2013.

  • 3. Wood B.: Using a checklist to avoid simple errors of omission. Acad Radiol 2015 Mar; 22: pp. 267-268.

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