Home Head and Neck Cancer Recurrence Evidence-Based, Multidisciplinary Management

Head and Neck Cancer Recurrence Evidence-Based, Multidisciplinary Management

This is a comprehensive text describing a multidisciplinary approach to the management of recurrent head and neck cancer. The emphasis is on the clinical aspects of the surgical, oncologic, and radiation oncologic considerations that should be evaluated during the decision-making process of managing recurrent head and neck cancer.

There are 21 chapters, which are roughly organized into three basic sections. The first section is an overview of recurrent head and neck cancer, including imaging modalities of head and neck cancer, and the basic principles and clinical considerations of chemotherapy, repeat irradiation, and surgical treatment. The second section addresses specific subsites of recurrent cancer within the head and neck. The third section discusses the prognosis of head and neck cancer and the rehabilitation and pyschosocial aspects of recurrent head and neck cancer.

The book is image rich with clinical pictures of the total experience of the patient with recurrent head and neck cancer, including the appearance of tumor recurrence on clinical examination, intraoperative pictures during surgical resection, and posttreatment changes. This gives a unique insight to the head and neck radiologist of what our colleagues and our patients experience. However, the radiologic images are not helpful representations of what the radiologist must know and understand in the interpretation of follow-up examinations of patients with recurrent head and neck cancer. The chapter specifically addressing the imaging modalities does not show helpful examples in cases of recurrent head and neck cancer. Furthermore, the figures are not labeled, and the legends do not adequately describe the importance of what the author is attempting to depict.

At the beginning of each chapter, there is a Summary box containing important bullet points the chapter is going to describe. A few chapters also contain easy to see teaching points within yellow boxes with a large red exclamation point. Each chapter ends with a box describing Future Research that needs to be done in that specific topic and a box listing Recommended and Essential Reading. These bulleted points help focus the reader to the highlights of the chapter.

Most chapters also contain “Case Studies” that describe cases of head and neck cancer recurrence from diagnosis through posttreatment follow-up with accompanying photographs and representative radiographic images.

Overall, the readability of the text is excellent. The text within in each chapter is broken down into easily identifiable subsections that make the content easy to navigate.

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