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Heat Maps

Rationale and Objectives

To demonstrate the value of a new data visualization and exploration method for mutlireader-multicase receiver operating characteristic (MRMC-ROC) experiments of computer-aided detection (CAD) algorithms that uses three-dimensional (3D) heat maps tool adapted from gene expression array analysis.

Materials and Methods

We are using data from a clinical trial of a commercial CAD system for lung cancer detection (RapidScreen RS-2000, Riverain Medical Group, Miamisburg, OH, and Rockville, MD). 3D heat maps, originally developed for displaying changes in gene expression after cancer chemotherapy in MATLAB, were modified to display the radiologists confidence levels as they interpreted chest radiographs and used to visualize the radiologists confidence levels before and after the provision of a CAD system.


Heat maps demonstrated the variation among radiologists in their interpretation, and the degree of variation in interpretation when a single radiologist reinterpreted the same case without and with CAD modality. They demonstrated the variability in the identification of each cancer/cancer-free case and the variability of change seen when CAD prompts were provided.


CAD increases the consistency of interpretation of a single radiologist and of a group of radiologists. Heat maps provide a method for data visualization that clarifies the effects of reader variability in ROC CAD experiments. We demonstrated how heat maps can be used to document the complexity of reader variability and suggested how clustering can reveal both nonintuitive and intuitive groupings of cases, readers, and the interaction of both with CAD.

Heat maps are a method for displaying three-dimensional data in two dimensions, with the third dimension represented by color. They are commonly used in gene expression experiments for data exploration, looking for clusters of similarity. We have applied them as an aid to understanding image perception using the data coming from a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) experiment ( ) where heat maps provide graphic display of important, but complex information. In this article, we will further explore the usefulness of this method in gaining understanding of how radiologists perform as they interpret complex radiographic images, using the chest radiograph with or without cancer interpreted without or with computer assistance.

Reader variability in the interpretation of radiographic images has been extensively studied and appears to be both unavoidable and potentially deleterious ( ). It results in variation in the interpretation of radiographs by the same radiologist when he or she views it a second time or when another radiologist views the same image. With complex images, variability that could be of clinical importance can occur in 20%–30% of interpretations, one reader interpretation finds disease, another misses it. Computer-aided device (CAD) appears to partially correct for this variability.

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Materials and methods

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The Heat Map: A Two-Dimensional Display of Three-Dimensional Data

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Figure 1, This figure demonstrates the variability of individual responses on the 80 cancer cases. (a) The confidence ratings on cancer cases interpreted in independent reading without computer-aided device (CAD). (b) The confidence ratings with CAD. (c) The difference map, red indicating that the diagnosis was switched towards a correct diagnosis of cancer.

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Figure 2, Three charts are shown. These represent the confidence levels of 15 radiologists for 160 cancer-free cases. The first chart shows the responses in independent reading without computer-aided device (CAD). The second chart shows the responses with CAD. The third chart shows the subtraction image. In all three charts, red shows greater concern for the presence of cancer and blue shows lesser concern.

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Clustering of Data Demonstrated in Heat Maps

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d(r,s)=1nr,ns∑nri=1∑nsj=1dist(xri,xsj) d




































Where n r is the number of objects in cluster r and n s is the number of objects in cluster s , x ri is the i th object in cluster r and x sj is the j th object in cluster s ( ).

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Figure 3, These charts demonstrate the heat maps with clustering for 80 cases of solitary non–small-cell lung cancer and 160 cancer free cases as interpreted by 15 radiologists. It shows that the cases and radiologists are each sorted into two major groups. For the cases, the predominance of reds indicates that some cases were much more suspicious for cancer than others. For the radiologists, it shows that some made decision strongly for or against the presence of cancer (shown mainly by a large number of blues and reds, but with few intermediate colors; and that other radiologists were less definitive in their decisions and had many intermediate colors. (a) The results without computer-aided device (CAD). (b) The results with CAD prompts. For (b), the top of the dendrogram is cut off by the label.

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Figure 4, This figure demonstrates dendrograms showing linkages among cases and radiologists. The black horizontal line is the demarcation between the two made groups identified among the 80 cases by the dendrogram. The vertical black line demonstrates the main demarcation among the 15 radiologists. (a) Dendrogram and demarcation on cancer cases interpreted without computer-aided device (CAD). (b) Dendrogram and demarcation with CAD. (c) The clustered difference map, red indicating that the diagnosis was switched towards a correct diagnosis of cancer.

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Figure 5, Heat map of the decisions of 15 radiologists on the location of cancer on 80 chest radiographs that contained one cancer each. Brown indicates that the correct location was marked; blue indicates that the correct location was not marked. The heat map appears different than in Fig 1–4 , because, here, there is only a binary decision: cancer location correctly marked or not. (a) Results without computer-aided device (CAD). (b) Results with CAD. (c) Subtraction of A from B to show new correct cancer locations. Arrows point to radiologists in position 8 and 13, a comparison discussed in the section on kappa statistics.

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Cancer-Free Cases

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Figure 6, This figure demonstrates a dendrograms showing linkages among cases and radiologists. The black horizontal line is the demarcation between the two made groups identified among the 160 cases by the dendrogram. The vertical black line demonstrates the main demarcation among the 15 radiologists. (a) Dendrogram and demarcation on cancer-free cases interpreted without computer-aided device (CAD). (b) Dendrogram and demarcation with CAD. (c) The clustered difference map, red indicating that the diagnosis was switched towards an incorrect diagnosis of cancer-free case.

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Relationship to Kappa Analysis

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Table 1

Radiologists’ Kappa Statistics and Agreement Statistics for Some of the Possible Radiologist Pairs Shown in Fig 4 a Providing Measurements of Agreement of Confidence Rates for Cancers on the Chest Radiographs

Sequential Reading without CAD - Cancer cases Radiologists in Order as Shown on the Figure 4 A Kappa Agreement Radiologists’ Agreement on Cases NO/NO NO/YES YES/NO YES/YES 1 & 2 0.568 0.813 18 8 7 47 1 & 3 0.381 0.750 12 14 6 48 1 & 4 0.525 0.800 16 10 6 48 1 & 5 0.671 0.850 22 4 8 46 1 & 6 0.501 0.788 16 10 7 47 1 & 7 0.544 0.800 18 8 8 46 1 & 8 0.577 0.813 19 7 8 46 1 & 9 0.633 0.838 20 6 7 47 1 & 10 0.601 0.813 22 4 11 43 1 & 11 0.539 0.788 20 6 11 43 1 & 12 0.420 0.725 19 7 15 39 1 & 13 0.577 0.813 19 7 8 46 1 & 14 0.683 0.850 24 2 10 44 1 & 15 0.525 0.775 21 5 13 41 4 & 15 0.357 0.700 16 6 18 40

Also listed are the types of agreement indicating false negatives (FN), “no,” and true positives (TP), “yes,” and combinations of TP and FN.

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Simple Agreement

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Relationship to ROC Analysis

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