Home Intra-individual Comparison of Average Glandular Dose of Two Digital Mammography Units using Different Anode/Filter Combinations

Intra-individual Comparison of Average Glandular Dose of Two Digital Mammography Units using Different Anode/Filter Combinations

Rationale and Objectives

The aim of this study was to compare average glandular dose (AGD) in two full-field digital mammography units using different anode/filter combinations.

Materials and Methods

Mammographies of 50 consecutive patients on a mammography system using a tungsten/rhodium (W/Rh) anode/filter combination were retrospectively compared to prior examinations on a different mammography unit using combinations of Molybdenum (Mo) and Rhodium (Rh). To exclude effects of increasing patient age, two prior examinations within 5 years were used. Both views of one breast were chosen for analysis. AGD was recorded as stated by each mammography unit. Accuracy of stated AGD and contrast-detail resolution were assessed using different breast phantoms.


The mean AGDs from the examinations using W/Rh were 0.95 mGy and 1.01 mGy for craniocaudal (CC) and mediolateral oblique (MLO) views compared to 1.51 mGy and 1.54 mGy, respectively, using combinations of Mo and Rh ( P < .001). Relative reduction of AGD was independent of breast thickness but decreased with increasing breast density (partial correlation coefficient of 0.46, P < .005 and 0.57, P < .001, for CC and MLO views, respectively). Low-level contrast resolution was equal in both units using standard acquisition parameters.


In clinical mammographies, higher energy beam spectra obtained using W/Rh anode/filter combinations may significantly contribute to lowering AGD compared to Mo/Mo, Mo/Rh, and Rh/Rh in breasts that are not extremely dense.

The use of digital mammography has led to significant reductions in the average glandular dose (AGD) associated with mammography examinations . Among the advantages of digital mammography are an increased dynamic range and the ability to optimize image contrast by postprocessing techniques . In film mammography, the detector dose is determined by properties of the film and relative contrast can be optimized by using a molybdenum anode with characteristic peaks at 17.5 and 19.6 keV . However, with the high dynamic range of digital detectors, image quality has to be characterized by signal-difference-to-noise-ratio (SDNR), which for calcifications and tumors is optimal for photon spectra of higher mean energy . The latter may be particularly true in thicker breasts . It has been reported that higher energy photons may be absorbed more effectively by selenium layers used in some flat panel detectors . Several phantom studies have demonstrated a decrease in AGD for a given SDNR with the use of a tungsten/rhodium (W/Rh) anode filter combination compared with molybdenum/molybdenum (Mo/Mo) or molybdenum/rhodium (Mo/Rh) . One recent study compared two groups of patients examined with either Mo/Mo or Mo/Rh according to breast thickness or with W/Rh . However, no direct, intraindividual comparison of the AGD of different mammography systems in clinical use has so far been published.

Currently available digital mammography systems differ in terms of both the x-ray beam spectra and detector technologies used. Charge-coupled device–based systems are in use in stereotactic breast imaging, but are no longer being used in full-field digital mammography. One system uses a photon counting slot-scan technique . However, the majority of digital mammography systems available employ flat panel detectors on the basis of amorphous silicon or selenium. Several studies have examined the image quality of different detector technologies .

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Materials and methods

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Mammography Systems

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Verification of Estimated AGD Stated by each Mammography Unit

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Figure 1, The experimental setup for the measurement of entrance dose.

Figure 2, Comparison of average glandular doses (AGD) as stated by the mammography unit with values calculated from the measured entrance doses for Mo/Mo anode/filter combination in system 1.

Figure 3, Comparison of average glandular doses (AGD) as stated by the mammography unit with values calculated from the measured entrance doses for Mo/Rh anode/filter combination in system 1.

Figure 4, Comparison of average glandular doses (AGD) as stated by the mammography unit with values calculated from the measured entrance doses for Rh/Rh anode/filter combination in system 1.

Figure 5, Comparison of average glandular doses (AGD) as stated by the mammography unit with values calculated from the measured entrance doses for W/Rh anode/filter combination in system 2.

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Intraindividual Comparison of AGD in a Clinical Setting

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Comparison of Contrast-detail Resolution at Standard Settings

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IQFinv=100∑ni=1CiDi,th IQFinv














where C i represents the object position in the contrast column (thickness), D i , th denotes the smallest visible diameter in this column, and n represents the number of rows/columns in the phantom. A higher IQFinv corresponds to a better contrast-detail resolution. Four Plexiglas plates of 1 cm thickness each were placed on the phantom to simulate a typical breast. At a tube voltage of 28kVp, eight consecutive images were acquired at tube currents of 63 mAs, 80 mAs, and 100 mAs. In addition to using predefined imaging settings, a further set of phantom images using automated settings were acquired on each system. Automated analysis of phantom images was performed using a software program (CDMAM Analyser Version 1.1, Artinis Medical Systems BV, AS Zetten, Netherlands) and the IQFinv at each setting was determined.

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Comparison of “Measured” and “Stated” AGD

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Patient Examinations

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Table 1

Anode/filter Combinations Employed in the Mammography Examinations by View

Examination 1 Examination 2 Examination 3 View Anode/Filter: No. of patients Anode/Filter: No. of patients Anode/Filter: No. of patients CC Mo/Mo: 8 Mo/Mo: 9 W/Rh: 50 Mo/Rh: 17 Mo/Rh: 15 Rh/Rh: 25 Rh/Rh: 26 MLO Mo/Mo: 5 Mo/Mo: 7 W/Rh: 50 Mo/Rh: 11 Mo/Rh: 11 Rh/Rh: 34 Rh/Rh: 32

CC: craniocaudal; MLO: mediolateral oblique.

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Table 2

Mean Average Glandular Dose (AGD) in the Three Examinations by View

Examination 1 Examination 2 Examination 3 GE Senographe 2000D GE Senographe 2000D Siemens Novation DR AGD (mean [95% confidence interval])/mGy_CC:_ 1.49 [1.40–1.57]CC: 1.52 [1.41–1.62]CC: 0.95 [0.87–1.03] ∗ MLO: 1.52 [1.42–1.62]MLO: 1.55 [1.46–1.65]MLO: 1.01 [0.91–1.11] ∗ Compression force (mean[range])/N_CC:_ 139 [60–200]CC: 136 [50–180]CC: 122 [58–197]MLO: 144 [60–200]MLO: 140 [70–200]MLO: 136 [58–189] Compression thickness (mean[range])/mm_CC:_ 47 [19–76]CC: 48 [14–77]CC: 49 [19–78]MLO: 49 [14–76]MLO: 51 [13–84]MLO: 51 [19–81]

CC: craniocaudal; MLO: mediolateral oblique.

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Figure 6, Average glandular dose (AGD) versus breast thickness. The patient cohort was divided into percentiles according to average compressed breast thickness: first percentile ≤41.00 mm, second percentile 41.01–48.92 mm, third percentile 48.93–59.33 mm, fourth percentile ≥59.34 mm. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.

Figure 7, Average glandular dose (AGD) versus breast density index. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.

Figure 8, Mean difference in average glandular dose (AGD) between the examinations on System 1 and 2 versus breast density. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.

Figure 9, Mean difference in average glandular dose (AGD) between the examinations on System 1 and 2 versus breast thickness. The patient cohort was divided into percentiles according to average compressed breast thickness: first percentile ≤41.00 mm, second percentile 41.01–48.92 mm, third percentile 48.93–59.33 mm, fourth percentile ≥59.34 mm. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals.

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Table 3

Breast Characteristics and Imaging Settings According to Anode/Filter Combination Used

View Position Anode/Filter Combination Mean ACR Density Index (Range) Mean Tube Voltage/kV (Range) Mean Breast Thickness/mm (Range) Mean AGD/mGy Mean AGD Reduction ∗ Examinations 1 and 2 (System 1) CC Mo/Mo ( n = 17) 2.88 (2–4) 27.6 (27–28) 28 (17–37) 1.12 ± 0.22 40.8 ± 12.0% Mo/Rh ( n = 32) 2.31 (1–4) 28.0 (27–29) 45 (36–65) 1.53 ± 0.26 42.3 ± 11.7% Rh/Rh ( n = 51) 2.45 (1–4) 29.7 (28–32) 56 (33–77) 1.57 ± 0.42 30.5 ± 15.1% MLO Mo/Mo ( n = 12) 3.08 (2–4) 27.7 (27–28) 25 (13–38) 1.22 ± 0.24 39.9 ± 9.8% Mo/Rh ( n = 22) 2.27 (1–4) 28.3 (27–29) 45 (28–66) 1.54 ± 0.29 44.1 ± 10.4% Rh/Rh ( n = 66) 2.44 (1–4) 29.8 (28–32) 56 (33–84) 1.59 ± 0.36 28.7 ± 19.6% Examination 3 (System 2) CC W/Rh ( n = 100) 2.48 (1–4) 28.5 (25–32) 49 (19–78) 0.95 ± 0.29 — MLO W/Rh ( n = 100) 2.48 (1–4) 28.7 (25–32) 51 (19–81) 1.01 ± 0.35 —

CC: craniocaudal; MLO: mediolateral oblique; ACR, American College of Radiology.

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Contrast-detail Resolution

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Figure 10, Inverse image quality figure (IQFinv) versus tube current using the CDMAM phantom at a tube voltage of 28 kV.

Figure 11, Magnification of the same group of microcalcifications: i) System 1 (MLO view, September 2006, Rh/Rh, average glandular dose [AGD] 1.2 mGy), ii) System 2 (MLO view, August 2007, W/Rh, AGD 1.1 mGy). MLO, mediolateral oblique.

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Table 4

Partial Correlation Coefficients of Average Glandular Dose (AGD) and Breast Thickness and AGD and Breast Density Index in Both Views in the Three Examinations

Correlation Coefficient Examination View AGD and Breast Thickness ∗ AGD and Breast Density † 1 (System 1) MLO 0.75 ( P < .001) 0.08 (NS) CC 0.73 ( P < .001) 0.28 (NS) 2 (System 1) MLO 0.79 ( P < .001) 0.11 (NS) CC 0.75 ( P < .001) 0.30 ( P < .05) 3 (System 2) MLO 0.53 ( P < .001) 0.47 ( P < .01) CC 0.47 ( P < .01) 0.51 ( P < .001)

AGD, average glandular dose; CC: craniocaudal; MLO: mediolateral oblique.

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Differences in Detector Technology

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Image Quality

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Limitations of the Study

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