Home Malpractice Issues in Radiology

Malpractice Issues in Radiology

May it please the court, he is back again on the subject of malpractice in radiology. This is the third edition, and it is every bit as clear, lucid, insightful, coherent, and entertaining as the first two. So we ask the court to rule in favor of the malpractice issues tome by Leonard Berlin.

After a glowing review of his second edition, what is there to say about the third edition that makes it any different from the first two? For one thing, it has 18 more essays than the second edition. For another, there are 18 other contributors instead of 13. And the 6 years since the second edition have produced a ripe array of more essays about radiologists and the claims of malpractice, as well as a concluding section providing broad insights, some from previous editions, into general issues that may lead to malpractice litigation against any physician who can be accused of inadequate or incompetent performance.

Many of the chapters are carried over from previous editions, and most appeared originally in the American Journal of Roentgenology . But the reality is that Len Berlin has continued to delve into the regrettably growing area of medical malpractice. And as before, he has selected instances in which radiologists are involved. So the fruit of the trees he harvests is bountiful, complex, sometimes punitive, and pleasantly enlightening in his consistent explanations.

Although Len Berlin admits to being a scholarly and diligent radiologist with no formal legal training, the reality is that his comments have been cited by attorneys in numerous cases and quoted by judges in court opinions. He has found himself comfortable on witness stands and in depositions. His lectures on litigious subjects are as gracefully delivered and pleasantly received as the essays in these editions of his volume. The volume itself has two dimensions. One is that of a reference to specific issues that may involve other radiologists. The broader dimension is that a person looking up an article of pertinence is likely to read three or four others because of the sheer pleasure of doing so.

The book is recommended to radiologists who are responsible for the legal aspects of their practices, to managers and hospital administrators, and as a source document for attorneys who deal with medical-legal topics and issues. Four stars for all the categories.


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