Home Mother knew best, usually

Mother knew best, usually

When I came to live in the big cities of Chicago and Washington, my mother visited us. She had grown up and lived in a small town where she knew everyone and where my sister lived next door.

She liked to travel. She wanted to see her grandchildren. They wanted to see her. And we had a built-in baby sitter. I always worried about her, because she had not traveled by herself and was not adept at reading maps or finding her way around strange territory. Let me tell you how wrong I was.

On one of her trips to Chicago, the winter had been nasty and she was a bit house-bound. One Saturday, I had to go into town for a 2-hour meeting at the Palmer House. She asked to come along. My wife suggested that she spend the time across the street in the Carson-Pirie-Scott department store. We drove in and parked. I took her into the store and said, “This is the Wabash Street entrance. I will meet you here at 4 o’clock.”

My meeting finished early and I went to the store, thinking she might be tired of walking around. No sign of mother. I waited until 4 o’clock. Still no mother. I began to range around the store, with no success. A half hour passed. The store was to close at five o’clock.

I shied away from telling a sales person that I had lost my mother. After all, I was only 35. So I kept ranging around. About a quarter before 5, I heard myself paged. When I answered, someone said, “Your mother has been waiting for you for an hour. Where have you been?”

“Where is she waiting?”

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