Home Objectively Measuring and Comparing Performance Levels of Diagnostic Imaging Systems and Practices

Objectively Measuring and Comparing Performance Levels of Diagnostic Imaging Systems and Practices

In this issue of Academic Radiology there is an important comprehensive review/tutorial article entitled “Assessment of Medical Imaging Systems and Computer Aids: A Tutorial Review”, authored by Drs. Wagner, Metz and Campbell ( ). The article focuses on an important paradigm which results in a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, and other estimated performance curves ( ). The ROC curve is one of the more commonly used analytical tool for assessing and comparing the performance of diagnostic systems both with and/or without the diagnostician or the observer being incorporated as an integral part of the diagnostic system. Diagnostic medicine in general and diagnostic imaging in particular has been evolving gradually over the last few decades from being primarily an art to becoming, at least partially and in many instances largely, a science. As an integral part of this transition there has been an increasing interest in defining different performance measures (summary indices) that enable relevant assessments as well as comparisons of imaging systems and clinical practices ( ).

One of the more profound advancements in this field is the “fully crossed, multiple-reader, multiple-case” (MRMC) approach to executing and analyzing performance assessment studies. These studies are frequently performed under the ROC paradigm in which there is an underlying recognition that a multivariate approach is needed to account for different variance components or uncertainties associated with and generated by the cases and readers that are included in these studies ( ).

The authors provide a comprehensive discussion on the comparisons of performance between diagnostic systems using the very well established ROC paradigm and later expand the discussion to other related approaches such as the Free Response ROC (FROC) and the Localization ROC (LROC) ( ).

Most relevant to the experimentalist in this field is the detailed discussion in the article of several practical issues and concerns. These include but are not limited to approaches to handle a study when the clinical truth is not known, how to estimate the needed sample size in a particular study, when partial areas under the curves may be of interest rather than the total areas, and some of the issues associated with sequential readings, in particular as related to the assessment of computer aided diagnosis (CAD) ( ).

The rapid development in recent years of analytical tools to assess performance in general stemmed from the seminal work done by the authors of the article. In addition, the development and validation of the MRMC approach, which is so eloquently described in the article, remains one of the more important and most frequently used analytical tools to assess and compare overall performance of imaging systems and practices in the laboratory environment. However, when conducting a performance assessment study, whether under the ROC, LROC, FROC, or any other paradigm for that matter and in particular when observers are included in the study, one has to remember that it is often the associated practical issues that become very important factors to the experimentalist in assuring a successful study rather than the specific analytical tool being used to analyze the data ascertained. These practical issues include but are not limited to the selection of cases and controls, the definition of the abnormalities in question, the selection and training of the observers, the actual adherence (or not) of observers to the specific instructions, the appropriate handling of positive and negative cases with more than one abnormality in the case mix, and the actual well controlled and adequately quality assured execution of the study ( ).

It is important to emphasize that as much as possible the clinical problem at hand should drive (determine) the specific study design to be implemented rather than an available and very specific analytical tool. As we progress in this field and gain experience in executing ROC type studies we frequently realize that these types of studies fit many clinical paradigms but not all. It is only prudent for the investigator to assess the best available methodology for the problem being investigated and not fall into a mental trap that ROC is the optimal way to address all observer, CAD, or practice related performance issues. There are many scenarios where FROC or even sensitivity/specificity type studies may be more natural to the observer and perhaps more relevant to the clinical problem being investigated. In addition, one has to remember that all laboratory experiments are just that and there are very limited data showing that inferences generated from these laboratory studies are directly generalizeable to the clinic. The majority of references in this regard suggest to the contrary that this may not be the case in many situations ( ).

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