Home Peer Support of a Faculty “Writers' Circle” Increases Confidence and Productivity in Generating Scholarship

Peer Support of a Faculty “Writers' Circle” Increases Confidence and Productivity in Generating Scholarship

Rationale and Objectives

Publishing is critical for academic medicine career advancement. Rejection of manuscripts can be demoralizing. Obstacles faced by clinical faculty may include lack of time, confidence, and optimal writing practices. This study describes the development and evaluation of a peer-writing group, informed by theory and research on faculty development and writing.

Materials and Methods

Five clinical-track radiology faculty members formed a “Writers’ Circle” to promote scholarly productivity and reflection on writing practices. Members decided to work with previously rejected manuscripts. After members’ initial meeting, interactions were informal, face to face during clinical work, and online. After the first 6 months, an anonymous survey asked members about the status of articles and evaluations of the writing group.


Ten previously rejected articles, at least one from each member, were submitted to the Circle. In 6 months, four manuscripts were accepted for publication, five were in active revision, and one was withdrawn. All participants (100%) characterized the program as worth their time, increasing their motivation to write, their opportunities to support scholarly productivity of colleagues, and their confidence in generating scholarship.


Peer-support writing groups can facilitate the pooling of expertise and the exchange of recommended writing practices. Our peer-support group increased scholarly productivity and provided a collegial approach to academic writing.

Scholarly productivity, particularly in the form of peer-reviewed publications, is critical for career advancement in academic medicine influencing decisions surrounding promotion, salary, reputation, and grant awards. However, reviews of clinical faculty in academic settings found that learning the skills and behaviors needed for academic writing represents an often-neglected aspect of professional training, despite the faculty’s rating of effective manuscript writing as one of their greatest career development needs . Obstacles to writing may include lack of time, confidence, or expertise in writing and competing clinical and administrative responsibilities .

Rejection of manuscripts submitted for publication can be demoralizing. Rejection rates by scientific journals can range from 70% to 90% in high-impact journals. Although retrospective cohort studies have found that about 50%–75% of initially rejected manuscripts eventually reached publication , authors may be ambivalent about acknowledging the reviewers’ recommendations and then investing the time and energy needed for revision. Although research exists on effective writing practices and theories of peer motivation, such research does not typically include medical faculty. This study describes the development and evaluation of efforts made by a group of senior radiology faculty in creating a Writer’s Circle to increase scholarly productivity by collegially revising previously rejected manuscripts and resubmitting them for publication. We reflected on our motivations for writing by drawing on the Self-Determination Theory, which recognizes the power of motivation for adult learners for competence, autonomy, and relatedness . We examined the impact of the peer-support Writer’s Circle on the members’ individual and collective publication productivity. We also examine the members’ reflections on the extent to which the program constituted a good use of their time, facilitated confidence, adoption of effective writing practices, and ability to accept and provide support for their colleagues.

Materials and methods

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Table 1

Coauthorships Among Faculty in the Writers’ Circle

Dr. A Dr. B Dr. C Dr. D Dr. E # Increased article coauthorships 3 1 3 2 2 # Articles with 2 + members 2007–2013 21 11 12 20 23 # Articles outside Writer’s Circle 2007–2013 8 3 12 9 13

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Table 2

Faculty Members’ Evaluation of the Writers’ Circle and Reflection on Academic Writing, N = 5

Mean Rating The Writer’s Circle … was worth my time 4.8 increased my motivation to write 4.4 provided opportunities to support scholarly productivity of my colleagues 5.0 increased my confidence in my ability to generate scholarship 4.6 increased my scholarly productivity 4.6 increased my knowledge about manuscript preparation 4.8 should continue over the next year 5.0 Following my experience in the Writer’s Circle, I would conclude that… It is important to take reviewer feedback seriously, while avoiding defensiveness 5.0 Learning from peer-review can improve my work 4.8 Reviewers should be considered as a source of collaboration among colleagues 4.8 Trust in my co-authors’ improvement efforts is more important when working on a rejected manuscript than when working on a new manuscript 4.6 Building relationships and collaborating on scholarly activities is the best way to increase scholarly productivity 5.0 Collaboration provides opportunities to act as both mentor and mentee 5.0 The best strategy is to match the manuscript to the journal and its audience 4.8 Preparing a manuscript for publication requires hard work 4.8 Revision presents an opportunity to clarify thinking 5.0 Persistence is the key to successful re-submission 5.0

The Likert-format response scale ranged from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree.

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