Home Portraits in Professionalism

Portraits in Professionalism

The study of crime begins with the knowledge of oneself. All that you despise, all that you loathe, all that you reject, all that you condemn and seek to convert by punishment springs from you. Henry Miller

Discussions of professionalism in radiology often focus on ethical principles, codes of conduct, and specific topics such as conflicts of interest and sexual harassment. Although such discussions are helpful, another important domain of professionalism often receives little or no attention: unprofessional conduct that results in prison sentences.

Although most radiologists would hope and perhaps even assume that such conduct is absent from the field, this is not the case. In the past few years, radiologists have pled guilty to bribery, fraudulent billing, unlawful prescribing of controlled substances, and submitting fraudulent expense reports, among other infractions. Such offenses illuminate the psychology of wrongdoing.

If more details about such cases were shared, it would be apparent that financial success, a good professional reputation, and affiliation with august institutions do not immunize radiologists against ethical lapses. If anything, it is quite possible that such attributes represent risk factors, conferring on potential wrongdoers a sense of being better than everyone else.

Reviewing such cases, we need to avoid the presumption that wrongdoers are fundamentally different from everyone else. Each of us naturally prefers to suppose that we are cut from a completely different cloth, but many individuals convicted of crimes report that they have long thought exactly the same of themselves.

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