Home Predicting High Imaging Utilization Based on Initial Radiology Reports

Predicting High Imaging Utilization Based on Initial Radiology Reports

Rationale and Objectives

Imaging utilization has significantly increased over the last two decades, and is only recently showing signs of moderating. To help healthcare providers identify patients at risk for high imaging utilization, we developed a prediction model to recognize high imaging utilizers based on their initial imaging reports.

Materials and Methods

The prediction model uses a machine learning text classification framework. In this study, we used radiology reports from 18,384 patients with at least one abdomen computed tomography study in their imaging record at Stanford Health Care as the training set. We modeled the radiology reports in a vector space and trained a support vector machine classifier for this prediction task. We evaluated our model on a separate test set of 4791 patients. In addition to high prediction accuracy, in our method, we aimed at achieving high specificity to identify patients at high risk for high imaging utilization.


Our results (accuracy: 94.0%, sensitivity: 74.4%, specificity: 97.9%, positive predictive value: 87.3%, negative predictive value: 95.1%) show that a prediction model can enable healthcare providers to identify in advance patients who are likely to be high utilizers of imaging services.


Machine learning classifiers developed from narrative radiology reports are feasible methods to predict imaging utilization. Such systems can be used to identify high utilizers, inform future image ordering behavior, and encourage judicious use of imaging.


Imaging utilization and cost has increased significantly in the last two decades , although it has stabilized more recently . Nevertheless, imaging remains a focus of cost-control efforts. The cost of imaging is currently estimated to be $100 billion annually in the United States . These issues are especially relevant to high-cost imaging technologies such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography . A recent study of imaging utilization in large integrated healthcare systems showed a significant increase in the rate of advanced diagnostic imaging and associated radiation exposure between 1996 and 2010 . The utilization of CT studies increased by 7.8% annually, and tripled during the 15 years examined by the study. Although national data show the growth rate moderating somewhat, there remain concerns about cost and radiation exposure.

The abdomen is often affected by chronic diseases, such as renal stones and inflammatory bowel disease. Thus, a subset of patients undergoing abdomen-related imaging studies such as abdomen CTs are an appropriate target for the identification of patients at risk for repeated studies, elevated exposure to ionizing radiation, and high costs.

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Materials and Methods

Data Set Construction

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Study Design

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Radiology Report Modeling

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SVM Prediction Model

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Evaluation and Results

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Top Ten Most Common Imaging Procedures and Their Frequencies in Our Data Set

Imaging Procedure Frequency CT abdomen pelvis with contrast 17,419 XR chest two views 10,367 XR chest one view portable 10,310 XR chest one view 6,759 CT abdomen pelvis 5,437 XR abdomen one view 3,394 CT head 3,016 US abdomen 2,772 XR pelvis one view 1,780 US pelvis nonobstetric with transvaginal 1,593

CT, computed tomography; US, ultrasound; XR, radiography.

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Figure 1, Distribution of imaging utilization days among patients in our data set.

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Evaluation Results for Three Classifiers on First Day of Radiology Reports for a Test Set of 4791 Patients

Classifier Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity Positive Predictive Value Negative Predictive Value Trained on first day of report(s) 82.9% 25.5% 94.2% 46.2% 86.6% Trained on first 2 days of reports 94.0% 74.4% 97.9% 87.3% 95.1% Trained on first 3 days of reports 85.5% 84.4% 85.7% 53.6% 96.5%

The shaded row highlights the model with the highest accuracy.

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Figure 2, ROC curves of our three classifiers. (Color version of figure available online).

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A Contingency Table Showing the Number of TP, FP, TN, FN for Our Best Classifier (Trained on First 2 Days of Reports) on the Test Set

≤5 Days of Imaging Utilization (Low) >5 Days of Imaging Utilization (High) Total (Row) Classifier low outcome (TN)

3920 (FN)

201 4121 Classifier high outcome (FP)

85 (TP)

585 670 Total (Column) 4005 786 4791

FN, false negative; FP, false positive; TN, true negative; TP, true positive.

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Top 10 Words and Phrases with the Most Predictive Influence in Our Best SVM Classifier (Trained on First 2 Days of Reports)

Rank Predictive Term/Phrase in SVM Model 1 Pelvis 2 Spleen 3 Abdomen 4 Adrenal glands 5 Glandular 6 Pancreas 7 Freed 8 Kidney volumes 9 Adrenalectomies 10 Free fluid

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