Home Radiation Safety and Medical Education

Radiation Safety and Medical Education

Rationale and Objectives

This study assesses the effect on medical student understanding of a new radiobiology and radiation safety module in a fourth-year radiology clerkship.

Materials and Methods

A dedicated radiobiology and radiation safety module was incorporated into the fourth-year medical school radiology clerkship at our institution. Student understanding of the material was assessed via pretest and posttest. Statistical analysis was performed to assess significance of changes in student performance. In addition, we surveyed student perceptions of the importance of this material in medical education and practice.


Monthly pretest mean scores ranged from 47.8% to 55.6%, with an average monthly pretest score of 50.3%. Monthly posttest mean scores ranged from 77.3% to 91.2%, with an average monthly posttest score of 83.9%. The improvement in exam scores after the educational intervention was statistically significant (all P < .01).


The introduction of a new educational module can significantly improve medical student understanding of radiobiology and radiation safety.

“Primum non noncere” –Anonymous

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Materials and methods

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Learning Assessment

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Survey Instrument

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Table 1

Demographic Characteristics of Surveyed Fourth-year Medical Students

n Age, Mean Years (SD) Basic Science Undergrad Major Nonbasic Science Undergrad Major Intended Radiology or Radiation Oncology Residency Other Intended Residency Prior Graduate School Men 130 26.3 (2.1) 102 28 13 117 20 Women 106 26.3 (1.9) 80 26 3 103 13 Unspecified 2 31.5 (9.2) 2 0 0 2 0 All 238 26.3 (2.1) 184 54 16 222 33

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Statistical Analysis

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Pre- and Posttest

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Table 2

Analysis of Radiation Safety Educational Intervention

Month_n_ Pretest Mean Score Pretest SD Posttest Mean Score Posttest SD_P_ 1 25 0.504 0.172 0.868 0.135 <.01 2 23 0.478 0.178 0.883 0.137 <.01 3 19 0.532 0.116 0.847 0.122 <.01 4 28 0.496 0.107 0.839 0.129 <.01 5 28 0.454 0.120 0.779 0.134 <.01 6 22 0.513 0.132 0.773 0.178 <.01 7 17 0.494 0.066 0.912 0.078 <.01 8 27 0.556 0.122 0.841 0.128 <.01 9 16 0.481 0.098 0.819 0.138 <.01 10 26 0.523 0.091 0.850 0.156 <.01 Total 231 0.503 0.127 0.839 0.140 <.01

SD, standard deviation.

Figure 1, Radiation safety pretest versus posttest mean scores.

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Figure 2, Importance of considering radiation exposure when ordering an imaging exam.

Figure 3, Personal consideration of radiation dose when ordering an exam.

Figure 4, Anticipated change in ordering habits after a radiation safety course.

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Appendix 1

Radiation safety syllabus

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Appendix 2

Sample multiple-choice questions from pre- and posttest question bank

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Appendix 3

Medical student pre-clerkship radiation safety survey instrument

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