Home Radiology Research Funding

Radiology Research Funding

Funding for research has become increasingly difficult to obtain in an environment of decreasing clinical revenue, increasing research costs, and growing competition for federal and nonfederal funding sources. This paper identifies critical requirements to build and sustain a successful radiology research program (eg, key personnel and leadership, research training and mentorship, infrastructure, institutional and departmental funding or support), reviews the current state of available funding for radiology (including federal, nonfederal, philanthropy, crowdfunding, and industry), and describes promising opportunities for future funding (eg, health services, comparative effectiveness, and patient-centered outcomes research). The funding climate, especially at the federal level, changes periodically, so it is important to have radiology-specific organizations such as the American College of Radiology and the Academy of Radiology Research serving as our key advocates. Key to obtaining any funding, no matter what the source, is a well-formulated grant proposal, so a review of opportunities specifically available to radiologists to develop and hone their grant-writing skills is provided. Effective and sustained funding for radiology research has the potential to cultivate young researchers, bolster quality research, and enhance health care. Those interested in pursuing research need to be aware of the ever-changing funding landscape, research priority areas, and the resources available to them to succeed. To succeed, radiology researchers need to think about diversification and flexibility in their interests, developing multidisciplinary and multi-institutional projects, and engaging a broader base of stakeholders that includes patients.


Obtaining research funding in radiology has become increasingly difficult in an environment of decreasing clinical revenue, increasing research costs, and growing competition for federal and nonfederal funding sources. In addition to increasing competition, the availability of funding for research, particularly from federal sources such as the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has been negatively impacted by a variety of economic factors in the past 10–15 years. The decreased funding of these programs, in turn, affects the ability of radiology departments and the academic medical centers in which they operate to continue providing important internal resources for their researchers, limiting opportunities for successful research. Therefore, in difficult economic times, even the most promising and potentially significant research may go unfunded. However, there are many areas in which radiologists can prove their contribution to patient-centered care, a well-supported concept in health-care research funding, and there are other sources of funding, such as crowdfunding, that radiology researchers can reach out to for assistance in the meantime.

To address the current challenges in radiology research funding, the Radiology Research Alliance formed a task force to examine the current state of radiology research funding. The following task force report enumerates the components needed to build and sustain a successful radiology research program, reviews the current state of available funding for radiology, and provides analysis of diverse federal, private, commercial, and nontraditional sources that can provide future funding opportunities.

Elements Required for Successful Research

The challenges researchers face, both in obtaining initial funding and in maximizing the impact of funding, depend largely on the available resources and academic climate in which they practice. In larger institutions, particularly those with greater NIH funding, many resources necessary to conduct successful research are in place. However, researchers in smaller or more clinically oriented academic radiology departments may encounter significant challenges to developing research programs. Recognizing this difference, Decker et al. discussed the challenges and opportunities faced by researchers in “clinically oriented academic radiology departments,” defined as departments with residency programs that receive less than $1 million in annual funding from the NIH . A survey of these faculty identified a number of barriers preventing them from achieving research success, including: (1) lack of training in research skills including hypothesis development, experimental design, and scientific writing; (2) lack of institutional resources including funding for pilot projects, grant-writing assistance, and biostatistics and manuscript preparation support; and (3) limited research time because of overwhelming clinical and administrative demands . These challenges often result in poor funding and limited research output, in turn limiting opportunities for future grants and precluding engagement in larger collaborative projects .

Critical elements needed for success in building radiology research infrastructure include key personnel and leadership, research training and mentorship, infrastructure, and departmental research funding.

Key Personnel and Leadership

Designating a departmental leader for radiology research and providing dedicated research time to key personnel are requisites to establish a successful research program. The leader should have institutional support for building experience in strong research practices, for mentoring and collaborating with other faculty, and for directing resources toward departmental research efforts. An effective radiology research leader aligns radiology research with the clinical strengths of the institution and promotes rewarding collaborations between departments and researchers. Collaboration is essential to gain necessary expertise outside of the radiology department. Most successful departments have both physician and scientist investigators who devote the majority of their time to research . Aside from radiologists or scientists directly conducting research, numerous other personnel are required to optimize the chance for successful research including, but not limited to, technologists, grant writers, project managers, and biostatisticians with expertise in informatics and outcomes methodologies .

Research Training and Mentorship

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Departmental Research Funding

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Sources of Extramural Seed Grant Funding

Organization Program Name Award Amount Time Typical Deadline Website RSNA Research Seed Grant up to $40,000 1 year 17-Jan http://www.rsna.org/research_seed_grant.aspx Society of Thoracic Radiology STR Research Seed Grant $8,000–$20,000 1 year 15-Sep http://thoracicrad.org/?portfolio=research Society for Pediatric Radiology Seed Grant award up to $10,000 18 month 1-Nov http://www.pedrad.org/Research/SPR-Research-Education-Foundation#16941424-general-information Society of Interventional Radiology SIR Pilot Research Grant up to $25,000 1 year 14-Dec http://www.sirfoundation.org/pdf/Pilot.pdf Society of Skeletal Radiology SSR Research Seed Grant Program $2,000 1 year 30-Jan http://www.sirfoundation.org/pdf/Pilot.pdf American Society for Therapeutic Radiology & Oncology Residents/Fellows in Radiation Oncology Research Seed Grant up to $25,000 1 year 25-Mar http://news.unchealthcare.org/som-vital-signs/2016/march-10/american-society-for-therapeutic-radiology-oncology-2016-residents-fellows-in-radiation-oncology-research-seed-grant American Society of Head & Neck Radiology ASHNR Core Curriculum Research Seed Grant up to $3,000.00 1 year 1-Aug http://ashnr.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/ASHNR-2016-Research-Seed-Grant-Application-Revised.pdf Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Mitzi & William Blahd, MD, Pilot Research Grant $25,000 1 year 3-Feb http://snmmi.files.cms-plus.com/docs/Grants_and_Awards/2016%20SNMMI%20Mitzi%20and%20Blahd%20MD%20Pilot%20Research%20Grant_1448731943372_5.pdf National Institute of Health NIH Career Development (K) Awards Variable Variable 12-Feb, 12-Jun, 12-Oct https://www.nichd.nih.gov/training/extramural/Pages/career.aspx National Institute of Health NIH Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award (R21) may not exceed $275,000 up to 2 years 16-Feb, 16-Jun, 16-Oct http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/r21.htm American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grants $90,000.00/year 3 years 1-Apr http://www.cancer.org/research/applyforaresearchgrant/granttypes/institutional-research-grants Government grants “health” Variable Variable Variable http://www.grants.gov/search-grants.html?fundingCategories%3DHL%7CHealth American Medical Association Seed Grant Research Program up to $2,500 in cardiovascular or pulmonary diseases, pancreatic cancer, and $5,000 in neoplastic diseases 4-Mar The Society of Abdominal Radiology Wylie J. Dodds Research Award, Morton A. Bosniak Research Award, $15,000 each Variable 4-Nov http://www.abdominalradiology.org/?ResearchGrants

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Opportunities for Grant Writing

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Establishing Research Relationships with Industry

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The Current State of Funding

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Figure 1, The majority of the sources of research funding are from federal funding including the Department of Health and Human Services (National Institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administration, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), the National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, and Veterans Affairs. Other sources of research funding include nonfederal sources such as professional societies, charitable foundations, private donors, and corporate donors and industry partners.

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Federal Funding Sources

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Department of Health and Human Services


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National Cancer Institute

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Specialty Society Funding

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Private Philanthropy

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Veterans Affairs-based Research

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Affiliations with Industrial Partners

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Major Medical Imaging Company General Payment and Research Contributions

Source: 2015 Open Payments Data: https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov/ .

Company General Payments Research Payments Total Payments Siemens Healthcare $9,334,091.46 $2,978,885.05 $12,312,976.51 Hologic $3,329,753.62 $7,705,556.14 $11,035,309.76 Philips Electronics $3,297,356.40 $6,686,795.00 $9,984,151.40 GE Healthcare and GE Global Research $3,983,299.82 $4,445,394.28 $8,428,694.10 Fujifilm and Fujifilm Sonosite $1,177,620.27 $10,000.00 $1,187,620.27

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Promising Opportunities for Funding


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Health Services Research

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Comparative Effectiveness Research

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Patient-centered Outcomes Research

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Difference in Funding of Projects Between National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)

NIH PCORI Funding ranking of the biomedical department 70% awarded to top 10 most-funded departments; 2% to 10 least-funded departments 40% awarded to top 10; 26% to bottom bracket of NIH-funded departments Academic degrees of principal investigators (PIs) In 2000–2006, 77% R01 PIs hold PhD, whereas 33% hold MD or MD or PhD In 2011–2014, approximately 61% (193) PIs hold MD, whereas 38% (122) hold PhD Funding to institutions Both distribute 19% of funding to top 10 NIH-funded institutions, and about 50% to top 40 NIH-funded institutions

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