Home Research Challenges and Opportunities for Clinically Oriented Academic Radiology Departments

Research Challenges and Opportunities for Clinically Oriented Academic Radiology Departments

Between 2004 and 2012, US funding for the biomedical sciences decreased to historic lows. Health-related research was crippled by receiving only 1/20th of overall federal scientific funding. Despite the current funding climate, there is increased pressure on academic radiology programs to establish productive research programs. Whereas larger programs have resources that can be utilized at their institutions, small to medium-sized programs often struggle with lack of infrastructure and support. To address these concerns, the Association of University Radiologists’ Radiology Research Alliance developed a task force to explore any untapped research productivity potential in these smaller radiology departments. We conducted an online survey of faculty at smaller clinically funded programs and found that while they were interested in doing research and felt it was important to the success of the field, barriers such as lack of resources and time were proving difficult to overcome. One potential solution proposed by this task force is a collaborative structured research model in which multiple participants from multiple institutions come together in well-defined roles that allow for an equitable distribution of research tasks and pooling of resources and expertise. Under this model, smaller programs will have an opportunity to share their unique perspective on how to address research topics and make a measureable impact on the field of radiology as a whole. Through a health services focus, projects are more likely to succeed in the context of limited funding and infrastructure while simultaneously providing value to the field.


Between 1995 and 2002, federal funding, specifically from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), increased for radiology departments by more than $175 million to an all-time high of more than $240 million. Despite this increase, fewer than half of academic radiology departments received any such funding during this time . This was such a troubling trend that in 2003, the Radiological Society of North America, American College of Radiology (ACR), American Roentgen Ray Society, and Academy of Radiology Research supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering hosted a joint conference to address how to boost radiology research resources and challenge nonparticipating academic programs to develop research programs. The Association of University Radiologists (AUR)’s own Radiology Research Alliance (RRA) was established during this time with the mission of providing a forum to encourage and stimulate research and collaborations between members of the AUR.

Although valuable progress was made from all of these activities, the national funding growth trend did not continue and it became difficult for programs to invest in research. Between 2004 and 2012, US funding for the biomedical sciences decreased to historic lows . Health-related research was crippled by receiving only 1/20th of overall federal scientific funding. The US downward trend occurred while other countries around the world, such as China, doubled and often tripled their investments in scientific research .

The purpose of this paper is to examine the factors that are limiting research opportunities for specific radiology programs and propose potential solutions for addressing these hurdles while highlighting areas of research opportunity. The field of Radiology as a whole will benefit from a road map on how to increase collaboration, interdisciplinary cooperation, and diversity in areas of new research.

Motivations for Research and Current Issues

Despite these national negative trends, there remains a great need for clinically oriented research in medicine. In particular, the field of Radiology must increase its investment in research or risk losing its cutting-edge lead over other disciplines . However, meeting this need is much more difficult in the current academic climate .

As medical schools evolve and compete for funding resources in addition to top faculty and students, there is increased pressure for institutions to produce top-level research. Medical school accreditation benchmarks, such as those for the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), now include research activities . The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) includes scholarly activity as a mandatory requirement for residency graduation and requires documentation of such activities for the residents as well as the teaching faculty . Institutions have a major stake in maintaining these accreditations.

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Clinically Oriented Programs

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Barriers to Research

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Clinically Oriented Academic Radiology Department Research Initiative (COARDRI): A Potential Solution

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Potential Research Areas

Public Policy


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Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER)


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Quality Improvement


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Current Challenges

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Imaging Utilization


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