Home The AUR-AGFA Radiology Management Course

The AUR-AGFA Radiology Management Course

The Association of University Radiologists (AUR) has offered a yearly focused course to provide management and leadership training to academic radiologists since 2002. For 6 years, from its inception to 2007, the AUR partnered with Eastman Kodak Company to sponsor this course. We are thankful for the support and vision of this industry partner to promote training in this area of knowledge so needed to respond to the financial and political challenges facing our specialty.

We are delighted to welcome starting at the AUR 2008 meeting, Agfa Healthcare as the course new sponsor. Throughout the AUR meeting, corporate sponsors play a valuable role with different programs ranging from, among others, fostering research principles, junior faculty development, and the image interpretation session. The partnership between the AUR and Agfa Healthcare is a natural one. The AUR is the organization that represents academic radiology in North America. Agfa Healthcare has been a leader in medical imaging for decades. Equally important, Agfa Healthcare has been committed to supporting education in radiology throughout the world. Agfa’s more recent focus on medical imaging and information management fits well with the AUR’s interest to maintain and improve its course in radiology management.

Because of the course’s 6-year anniversary and impeding changes in the program’s format, we felt it was appropriate to present this report reviewing the prior six courses and announce the changes for 2008.

The course has unique features that make it different when compared with other programs in radiology management offered by other US organizations. Some of these features are: 1) case-based format, 2) experienced faculty, 3) practical topics, 4) competitive attendee selection process, 5) small number of participants, 6) small group interactive teaching method, and 7) intensive 2-day program including lunches and dinner.

Case-based education became popular after the Harvard Business School established this method to teach business and management in the mid-1970s. Since then, it has become the choice training method for health-related topics and has revolutionized the curriculum in many medical schools.

The 37 different faculty members the course has had since 2002 rank among the best manager educators in the country. This faculty includes department chairs and vice chairs, academic hospital leaders (chief executive officers, chief operating officers, chief finance officers, vice-presidents for radiology, and chief information officers), radiology administrators, residency program directors, radiology quality directors, presidents of health care corporations, and other opinion leaders in academic radiology. Among the faculty are several AUR past presidents and board members. The experience, quality, and diverse background of the faculty duplicate the inevitable tensions between the different forces that influence academic radiology (eg, hospital administration, education, research, finance, resources, productivity, human relations, etc.). Of note is that several of the currently faculty members are course alumni who have volunteered to teach in the course.

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