Home Thoracic Imaging Case Review Series, Second Edition

Thoracic Imaging Case Review Series, Second Edition

Thoracic Imaging: Case Review Series is not only a necessary resource for the senior radiology resident preparing for boards, but a readable and comprehensive text that can make the average junior radiology resident into a case conference juggernaut. I read the original edition during my first year of radiology residency and fooled my thoracic attending into thinking I was a genius. I read the second edition before writing this review.

The format of the book follows the tradition of its brothers in the case review series. The 164 cases are divided into opening round, fair game, and challenge sections, equating to easy, medium, and difficult. Each case is presented as one to two images and four questions on one page, with answers and a discussion section on the next page. The book is cross-referenced to Thoracic Imaging: The Requisites, 2nd edition , if the reader is interested in reading more about a specific case topic. Pulmonary and mediastinal pathology are covered. Cardiac imaging is left for a separate book in the series.

This is an excellent book for radiology residents of all levels. Fellows and attending radiologists desiring a quick review will also benefit from this book. The discussion sections are shorter compared to other case review series books, an advantage for those wanting a high-yield review. The entire book could easily be read over a weekend. The book is essentially comprehensive, addressing every major disease entity either as the subject of a case or within a discussion section. Many of the mediastinal mass cases contain magnetic resonance images, an update compared to the first edition.

No book is perfect. I found it difficult to analyze the radiographic images without accidentally glancing at the cross-sectional computed tomography or magnetic resonance images that are displayed immediately adjacent. This limits the ability of the reader to practice forming opinions from the radiograph alone. Image quality is good, but the images are small. The chest radiographs often take up only one sixth of the page, making it difficult to appreciate some of the subtle findings.

Fans of the first edition will immediately notice that the second edition is 162 pages longer. This is somewhat misleading. The content is actually nearly identical, with only 14 more cases in this edition. Each case now has its own page, whereas two cases often shared the same page in the first edition. This has resulted in better spacing of the content, but a much bulkier book.

Despite questionable improvement in the layout of the book, strong content and concise explanations should earn Thoracic Imaging: Case Review Series a spot on every radiology resident’s bookshelf.

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