Radiology Tree

Robust, Standardized Quantification of Pulmonary Emphysema in Low Dose CT Exams

Rationale and Objectives The aim of this study was to present and evaluate a fully automated system for emphysema quantification on low-dose computed tomographic images. The platform standardizes ...

Pulmonary Tumor Measurements from X-Ray Computed Tomography in One, Two, and Three Dimensions

Rationale and Objectives We evaluated the accuracy and reproducibility of three-dimensional (3D) measurements of lung phantoms and patient tumors from x-ray computed tomography (CT) and compared t...

Prevalence and Predictors of Atherosclerosis in Symptomatic Patients with Zero Calcium Score

Rationale and Objectives Absence of coronary artery calcium (CAC) in symptomatic patients is associated with a very low risk of adverse cardiovascular events. However, patients with zero CAC may h...

Predicting Readers' Diagnostic Accuracy with a New CAD Algorithm

Rationale and Objectives Before computer-aided detection (CAD) algorithms can be used in clinical practice, they must be shown to improve readers’ diagnostic accuracy over their unaided performanc...

Patient Preferences in Breast Cancer Screening

Current guidelines Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women in United States . In a departure from current guidelines, the most recent update of United States Preventi...

Is the h -index Predictive of Greater NIH Funding Success Among Academic Radiologists?

Rationale and Objectives Despite rapid adoption of the Hirsch index ( h -index) as a measure of academic success, the correlations between the h -index and other metrics of productivity remain poo...

Introduction of QUIP (Quality Information Program) as a Semi-automated Quality Assessment Endeavor Allowing Retrospective Review of Errors in Cross-sectional Abdominal Imaging

Rationale and Objectives The aims of this study were to review the role of a quality information program (QUIP) as a semiautomated educational feedback mechanism and to review common errors in cro...

Interactive High-resolution Computed Tomography Digital Atlas of Interstitial Lung Disease

High-resolution computed tomography is a necessary tool used in the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease. The interpretation of high-resolution computed tomography can be difficult given the wide...

Full Field Digital Mammography and Breast Density

Rationale and Objectives Mammographic breast density is an important and widely accepted risk factor for breast cancer. A statement about breast density in the mammographic report is becoming a re...

Educating Radiology Residents in the New Era

Rationale and Objectives The aim of this report is to describe preliminary experience with an educational tool implemented to improve radiology education and documentation, in anticipation of upco...