May it please the court, he is back again on the subject of malpractice in radiology. This is the third edition, and it is every bit as clear, lucid, insightful, coherent, and entertaining as the f...
Recently Updated
- Neurometabolites Alteration in the Acute Phase of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)
- Reinforcing the Importance and Feasibility of Implementing a Low-dose Protocol for CT-guided Biopsies
- Rethinking the PGY-1 Basic Clinical Year
- Single Injection Dual-Phase Cone Beam CT (DP-CBCT) Vascular Anatomy Assessment and Occult Nodule Detection; Have We Reached the Focus?
- The Yellow Scale Is Superior to the Gray Scale for Detecting Acute Ischemic Stroke on a Monitor Display in Computed Tomography