Radiology Tree

Selection of a Rating Scale in Receiver Operating Characteristic Studies Some Remaining Issues

Rationale and Objectives The aim of this study is to compare the ratings of a group of readers that used two different rating scales in a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) study and to clari...

Radiographic Texture Analysis in the Characterization of Trabecular Patterns in Periprosthetic Osteolysis

Rationale and Objectives Periprosthetic osteolysis is a disease attributed to the body’s reaction to fine polyethylene wear debris shed from total hip replacements. The purpose of this preliminary...

Potential Effect of Different Radiologist Reporting Methods on Studies Showing Benefit of CAD

Rationale and Objectives To investigate the effect of different reporting methods and performance measures on the assessment of the benefit of computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) in characterizing mali...

MRI Scoring System Including Dynamic Motility Evaluation in Assessing the Activity of Crohn’s Disease of the Terminal Ileum

Rationale and Objectives We sought to investigate the value of a MRI scoring system including dynamic motility evaluation in the assessment of small bowel Crohn’s disease activity. Materials and ...

MR Tractography Based on Directional Diffusion Function

Rationale and Objectives Conventional tractography based on the “streamline” method only partially visualizes the pyramidal tract because of fiber crossing with other white matter tracts. Recently...

Manual and Automated Polyp Measurement

Rationale and Objectives The purpose of this study was to assess (1) the agreement of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) manual and automated polyp linear diameter measurements at CT ...

Mammographic Appearance of Recurrent Breast Cancer after Breast Conservation Therapy

Rationale and Objectives To compare the mammographic appearance of recurrent breast cancer to the primary tumor in patients treated with breast conservation therapy. Materials and Methods The ch...

Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Rationale and Objectives Although inflammatory breast carcinoma (IBC) accounts for 1%–4% of all breast cancer cases, the appearance of this highly malignant tumor in magnetic resonance imaging (MR...

Hyperpolarized3 He MR Imaging of the Lung Effect of Subject Immobilization on the Occurrence of Ventilation Defects

Rationale and Objectives To investigate immobilization-induced ventilation defects when performing hyperpolarized 3 He (H 3 He) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lung. Methods and Materia...

Heat Maps

Rationale and Objectives To demonstrate the value of a new data visualization and exploration method for mutlireader-multicase receiver operating characteristic (MRMC-ROC) experiments of computer-...