Radiology Tree

Performance of T2 Maps in the Detection of Prostate Cancer

Rationale and Objectives This study compares the performance of T2 maps in the detection of prostate cancer (PCa) in comparison to T2-weighted (T2W) magnetic resonance images. Materials and Metho...

Perception's Crucial Role in Radiology Education

Perception is at the core of what radiologists do every day. Almost by definition, fully qualified radiologists are very good at perceiving, at least when it comes to the detection and interpretati...

Observer Variability in Breast Cancer Diagnosis between Countries with and without Breast Screening

Rational and Objectives Image reporting is a vital component of patient management depending on individual radiologists’ performance. Our objective was to explore mammographic diagnostic efficacy ...

Letter to the Editor Women Representation on Radiology Journal Editorial Boards

We read with interest the recent article by Piper et al ( ) on women representation on radiology journal editorial boards and would like to commend the authors for presenting their data on this imp...

Innovative Teaching Methods in Radiology—Building on the Experiences of Other Disciplines

Psychologists and educators have been perplexed for generations trying to understand how people learn, and how best to optimize the process. While many still ascribe to tried and true notions of cl...

Implementing Contrast Reaction Management Training for Residents Through High-Fidelity Simulation

Rationale and Objectives Adverse reactions to intravenous contrast for radiologic examinations can result in significant patient morbidity and mortality. It is critical that radiologists be profic...

Efficacy of 3D Printed Models on Resident Learning and Understanding of Common Acetabular Fracturers

Rationale and Objectives The conceptualization of acetabular fractures can present a daunting challenge to radiology residents. 3D models have been shown to aid in the spatial perception of compli...

Comparison of T1 Mapping and T1rho Values with Conventional Diffusion-weighted Imaging to Assess Fibrosis in a Rat Model of Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction

Rationale and Objectives The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) T1 mapping and T1 relaxation time in the rotating frame (T1rho) for assessment o...

Breast Cyst Fluid Analysis Correlations with Speed of Sound Using Transmission Ultrasound

Rationale and Objectives The purpose of this work is to determine if the speed of sound value of a breast cyst can aid in the clinical management of breast masses. Breast macrocysts are defined as...

A Review of Innovative Teaching Methods

Teaching is one of the important roles of an academic radiologist. Therefore, it is important that radiologists are taught how to effectively educate and, in turn, to act as role models of these sk...