Radiology Tree

ECG-gated Versus Non-ECG-gated High-pitch Dual-source CT for Whole Body CT Angiography (CTA)

Rationale and Objectives To investigate motion artifacts, image quality, and practical differences in electrocardiographic (ECG)-gated versus non-ECG-gated high-pitch dual-source computed tomograp...

Do We Need Yet Another Hybrid Imaging Device?

The arrival of another hybrid imaging modality fills us with excitement and despair. Excitement at the prospect of simultaneously using different ways of interrogating pathophysiology non-invasivel...

Breast Background Parenchymal Enhancement on Screening Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Women Who Received Chest Radiotherapy for Childhood Hodgkin's Lymphoma

Rationale and Objectives Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is recommended for the screening of women with a history of chest radiotherapy and consequent increased breast cancer risk. The pur...

After Detection

Rationale and Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the improved accuracy of radiologic assessment of lung cancer afforded by computer-aided diagnosis (CADx). Materials and Methods In...

A Vertically Integrated Online Radiology Curriculum Developed as a Cognitive Apprenticeship

Rationale and Objectives The principles of Collins’ cognitive apprenticeship model were used to design a radiology curriculum in which medical students practice radiological skills using online ca...

Value of Imaging Part I

With payers and policymakers increasingly scrutinizing the value of medical imaging, opportunities abound for radiologists and radiology health services researchers to meaningfully and rigorously d...

The Value of Imaging Part II Value beyond Image Interpretation

Although image interpretation is an essential part of radiologists’ value, there are other ways in which we contribute to patient care. Part II of the value of imaging series reviews current initia...

The Faulty Analysis of Breast Cancer Screening Data

In this limited space I cannot possibly address all the errors in the Bleyer analysis so I will concentrate on the fundamental issue. In his paper with Dr. Welch, in the prestigious New England Jo...

The “Unconference” in Radiological Society Meetings

Professional society conferences provide an important mechanism for radiologists to experience the latest advances in the field by attending an array of scientific and educational talks over the co...

Screening Mammography Would Have Been Initiated Regardless of the CNBSS

I respectfully disagree with Drs. Jha and Ware’s concluding statement “The CNBSS is compelling enough to never start mammograms for breast cancer but not compelling enough to stop screening.” In ad...