Radiology Tree

Responding to the Challenge of Overdiagnosis

The possibility of overdiagnosis first became apparent to me early in my career when I ordered a sinus film on myself. I was seeing patients in the Indian Health Service and was frustrated by how m...

Radiologists and Overdiagnosis

Overdiagnosis is the detection of disease when treatment is likely to be redundant or harmful, and awareness of the condition likely to induce anxiety rather than lead to meaningful empowerment . T...

Prostate MRI Can Reduce Overdiagnosis and Overtreatment of Prostate Cancer

Abstract The contemporary management of prostate cancer (PCa) has been criticized as fostering overdetection and overtreatment of indolent disease. In particular, the historical inability to ident...

Overdiagnosis of Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer fulfills the criteria for overdiagnosis by having a reservoir of indolent cancers and practice patterns leading to the diagnosis of incidental cancers from the reservoir. The occurre...

Overdiagnosis of Breast Cancer at Screening is Clinically Insignificant

Long-term follow-up of randomized trials provide the most accurate estimates of overdiagnosis. Estimates from follow-up of service screening studies are almost as accurate if there is sufficient ad...

Overdiagnosis in the Era of Neuropsychiatric Imaging

New guidelines proposed by the National Institute of Mental Health are intended to transform the management of patients with psychiatric disorders. It is anticipated that neuroimaging and other bio...

Overdiagnosis and the Information Problem

There are several factors which increase our propensity to overdiagnose, whereas the root cause of overdiagnosis is imperfect information and the trade-offs as a result of that imperfection. Overd...

Mammogram Trials

The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Hamlet: Act 3 Scene 2. William Shakespeare. Some see in the intense scrutiny on screening mammograms a coordinated effort to discredit screening for b...

Lung Cancer Screening Overdiagnosis

The National Lung Cancer Screening Trial (NLST) demonstrated a mortality reduction benefit associated with low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) screening for lung cancer. There has been considerable...

Low High-Sensitivity Troponin I and Zero Coronary Artery Calcium Score Identifies Coronary CT Angiography Candidates in Whom Further Testing Could be Avoided

Rationale and Objectives Pilot study to determine whether among subjects receiving coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA), the combination of high-sensitivity troponin I (hsTnI) and corona...